
I am not unfamiliar with the world of thought that I dived into with the TT video course, yet so far in my life I have not understood how to really live the principle of connection and security in EVERY relationship! Again and again I was insecure and driven by thoughts like: "if you don't want to, then you won't", which made me cut the connection. I used to live this way very often in my human relationships (because this is how I experienced and "learned" in my family of origin), but fortunately I was able to change it in the course of my life. With my dogs, however, until recently I was still stuck with the idea of achieving their willingness in certain situations by only allowing them to "bond with me" if they adhered to a certain rule (stay with me and don't go hunting on their own). Now I experience how nice it is for me and my dogs when I point out these rules, which still exist and are necessary, IN CONNECTION with them and make their observance so pleasant and nice for them that they naturally want to keep them! The difference lies in the "unconditional connection", a connection from me (to myself and) to the dogs, which cannot be cancelled by anything. And especially when something unexpected or unknown to all of us happens, maybe even threatening, it is an immeasurable treasure to know about such a bond and to be able to live it! Many experiences and insights of my path so far fit into TT, confirm what is there and enrich it. But to live the inner attitude of "being peaceful" so consistently and to REALLY ALWAYS adopt it as a teacher of my dogs is a huge gift for me! The videos help me a lot to see again and again with different animals this constant peaceful attitude of humans! Because I can put myself in these situations very well and experience them, I FEEL this peacefulness and can thus transfer it well to situations in my real life! I am full of joy to have found TT and to have been given this great value for my life! I would like to mention that I find the structure of the course, as well as the tutorials and the always very friendly, supportive way of teaching really great! Also the support I get in the group with my questions and thoughts is wonderful for me! To you, Shelly and James, I am filled with gratitude --- and yes: I am honoured to be a part of your community!