
I knew the moment I met this horse, that he would change my world. Meet Kujuri. A 10 year Mustang who has been through the wringer. A person felt that I was who he needed. The truth is, he was who I needed. This boy has caused me to get creative. To step outside the box. I have stepped into every box, looking to help this horse believe in me. I started experimenting with my Zen. It started working! Ironically, a few days ago, this Trust Technique came across my feed. I jumped into the introductory program. I got hooked right off the bat. Tonight, I became a member. I am thrilled with what has happened between me and Juri, in just one day of rethinking MY thinking! I try to leave it at the gate. In one day, this program taught me how to really do it! I can’t wait to dive in. Thank you for inspiring me, and Kujuri.