Trust Technique Ads With practitioners

This is a great balance where we can support each other. We will promote your name and work while you help us introduce more people to the Trust Technique

We are looking at 2 types of video testimonials 

  1. Your journey as a practitioner
  2. Before and After 

Your Journey as a practitioner


2 min video or a 1 min video 

Please make sure that they are just under the time so we can place an end screen

Yes you can make a 2 min video and from the same video you can also create a 1 min shorter version


The first few seconds of the video needs to be impactful

I first came across the Trust Technique because…

Can describe the problem you may have had 

Introduce yourself as a practitioner


Show building connection on. the video

What was your journey ie MOT Video Course

What you understood as an educational piece 

How did your animal respond 


Show your connection in the video with your or other clients’ animals.

Progression to practitioner and helping others

Invite people on the journey 

MOT Video Course

Click The Messages Of Trust Link to start learning this for you and your animal… or something like these words as a call to action.

Before and After


2 min video or a 1 min video 

Please make sure that they are just under the time so we can place an end screen

Yes you can make a 2 min video and from the same video you can also create a 1 min shorter version


The first few second of the video needs to be impactful showing the issue

Who is the animal and what was the problem

intro yourself as a practitioner


education ie why reducing thinking levels can help so much

show yourself or a client working with Mindful Regard 


Show the end result and how the behaviour has changed

List benefits for both animal and person

Invite people on the journey 

MOT Video Course

Click The Messages Of Trust Link to start learning this for you and your animal… or something like these words as a call to action.

How to edit the videos

We will all need to use the same program for editing and we are using a free version of Canva.

This allows us to see and make changes and then download this into something like these words as a call to our main editing suite.

Watch the video below and then… 

Click the link below for the template 


you can sign up while you enable the template it’s free!

After completing your video

Please send the link to


Your journey as a practitioner

To follow 🙂


Before and After

Your Fast Track has been set up