Dear James and Shelly,
I am so glad you came my way.
My Cat Toni is very much all right but just doing the Present Moment from what I have learned up to now made him lick my hands as he had never done before when sitting on my lap.
You have found the key to 'Mindreading' and sharing thoughts and feelings.
I am working with energy healing for almost 25 Years (EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques, Havening e.g.) with Adults and Children. Reducing emotional distress has been my job until I got Post Covid 2 Years ago.
(I know had to reduce my work to 8 -10 hours a week where I work with dyslexic children).
Your way to reduce these emotions is even faster than everything I had learnd before.
Even though money is short at the moment I will take your offer to split the amount and start with your first course.
I gave your link to my vet as well. 🙂
Best Regards and thank you from northern Germany
Andrea C.