Searmi Park


Works in person with Large  Animals
Based in Portland, Oregon USA


A Korean-American violinist born and raised in Los Angeles California, Searmi Park is founder and director of a nonprofit called Autism Mustang Alliance. Located just south of Portland Oregon, autistic individuals and their families learn how to build trust and connection with her herd of mustangs, donkeys, goats, pigs, chickens, dogs and cats.
Searmi also provides in-person consultations to the general public for human-horse pairs who wish to strengthen their relationship by cultivating deep listening skills. Searmi is allocating all of her Trust Technique consultation fees directly to Autism Mustang Alliance as they expand their programs to teach alternative modes of communication to nonspeaking autistics who have profound support needs in communication, self-regulation, and sensory integration.
For professionals and volunteers who work at equine rescue centres and sanctuaries that are registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organisations in Portland and surrounding areas, Searmi offers free consultations in order for the trainers, caregivers and staff to be able to deliver the Trust Technique to sensitive animals as a complementary modality to their own methods of compassionate animal care and rehabilitation.
Please visit or write to to reach Searmi, or follow instructions to contact her via this page.

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  • Please describe your situation with your animal, any relevant history and when the best time would be to arrange a session.
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Portland, Oregon USA


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