Animal Communication

Discover these easy to use, tried and tested methods that open a new perspective on understanding an animal’s emotions.

Animal Communication Suite Upgrade

Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £79.00. (+VAT)



Understand how your animal is feeling

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LE MENN Céline

Thank you for these beautiful corses. I practice animal communication since childhood and didn’t know how to explain how I was doing it. I love the idear of creating a place, making it welcoming for the animal and inviting the animal. You put words on what I was doing and keys to do it even better. Thanks a lot.

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Thank you so much for your guidance and support. I have found the course fascinating and it resonates so much with my previous learning and experiences. Love and light to you all.


I love how imaginative, creative, and encouraging the exercises are. I’ve always been plagued by self-doubts, but also from a sense of perfectionism, of having to follow the rules. Thus, I was always stuck in my head and in my thoughts, worrying about what I was doing and if it was “right”. The exercises of the audio set were liberating in that regard. My favourite? Flow writing! What fun!

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This is an invaluable course. I downloaded the audio set and play them again and again.
Thankyou James.

Sharon Bates Ⓥ

This workshop was SO amazing. James does a fantastic job of organizing it so that you are sure to build your ability and confidence. I still cannot believe that someone was able to build such a simple course, and have it be so effective. Bravo! It really helps to do both audio and video versions.