Frances Giaquinto

I've found the video course to be very good. for the following reasons; I love its authenticity, nothing is contrived or stage managed. The structure, in which the method is explained and then followed by numerous examples and case studies, is excellent. it has really helped to consolidate my learning and understanding. Much of it, particularly the videos of the lions and bears, is immensely moving. I really like and benefit from James's quiet voice and steady way of speaking. The dog in my care immediately quietens down and rests as soon as she hears James's voice, as do I. The numerous consultations are very helpful, they've answered many questions I've had. The videos are easy to access, the website is clean and professional in its appearance, and I like the structure of marking each section as complete before moving on (although I frequently forgot to mark complete and needed to go back through the videos to do this at the end). There are multiple hours of footage and I've watched for 1 to 2 hours a night over the last 2 months. I've really benefitted from this immersion. Thank you for making it so comprehensive.

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