Kathy Fors

Hello, this is Kathy. And, the photo is the "New Normal" me! I loved the video and learning series because I love my own animals and want to help my new puppy adjust to me and my 15 year old tiny dog. The puppy is just being a pup, rambunctious and full of energy is over powering my old and fragile, tiny girl. She is the most peaceful and loving being I have ever had the pleasure of being around. But, I had no idea what bringing a puppy (and a male at that!) into our lives would do to her. I'm constantly in fear that he is going to hurt her and she is defenseless with no teeth to nip at him along with him outsizing her by 2ce her size. Earlier in my life, I would have just sold or given him away. But, I don't want to do that. I just want to learn what to do by changing my own reaction to his behavior while keeping his life fun and any my tiny girl safe. I've always wanted to help other dogs as my heart goes out to all of them who are rescued from horrible and abusive lives. I would adopt them all if I could. This program may be my motivation to make a difference in my life and those of others - both animal and human.