
It has been the most meaningful, gentle and profound experience to work through this video course. Indeed work is completely the wrong word to use, - it has brought so much peace, healing, and remembering of what we instinctually feel and can share with animals. The Trust Technique is a poignant reminder of how much our animals pick up on our feelings, how every thought creates a feeling for us and them, and of just how powerful feelings affect us and our animals. Feelings are actually still the most reliable communication despite the evolution of language. This video course is all about feeling. What wisdom! By using the Trust Technique, not only did my animals go into healing states, but so did I. Indeed the amount of release this course has helped me with, and helped me to help my animals with, is simply profound. The re-connection and deeper relationship with each of my dogs, has meant the world to me. Watching the videos persistently night after night I have also slept blissfully for months. The Trust Technique is both profound and beautiful in its simple, yet incredible, power. And the things that I could change and influence to help my dogs through the present moment, mindful regard, realisation learning have been wonderful. My only wish was that I had had the course years ago, but I guess it came exactly when it needed to. Watching and understanding enough of the course was the best thing I could have done to help my beautiful Anatolian Shepherd in the last months of her life. It has quite literally helped connect the dots of my own life and has been a fantastic investment of time in learning. Completing this video course was absolutely a way to honour the incredible life of my remarkable Anatolian and to ensure that the lessons she and this course have taught me must mean more and reach more people and animals. It has also had a huge influence on my work as a therapist helping people with trauma. My little adopted dog, who was nervous about everything, every noise, every stranger, has literally transformed before our eyes into a confident, peaceful, attentive learner in just a few weeks. And he and I continue to process the loss of our beloved Bronte with the help of the Trust Technique and all its many teachings. The course also helped me fully realise I was blessed with not one but two incredibly sensitive dogs and I'm just glad that I could rectify some things to help both them, me and my family. Through the course I came to many clearer realisations and it's given me the tools to take full responsibility as teacher and carer for my dogs. James and Shelley, I shall never be able to express adequately in words what a remarkable gift and body of work you have brought to the world and how truly grateful I am that you came into our lives. It has been a privilege and honour to watch and learn about the Trust Technique. My animals have benefited enormously in so, so many ways, as have I. To share and apply the incredible beauty of what you have created and so wonderfully practiced and dedicated your lives to, James and Shelley, is an incredible experience. Thank you for your care, compassion and wonderful observations. Thank you so much for making your dream of improving humans' and animals' relationships and getting animals the regard and responsibility from humans that they deserve, come true. That is what you have done for me and my dogs, when so many other things and so-called experts over the years created more harm than good. Just so deeply, deeply, deeply grateful.

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