
Thank you for the effort in creating this, and putting this course out for people all around the world to have the opportunity to experience and learn. It helps more people and animals beyond what u can physically reach out to. Animal communication had been something i was skeptical about before, and was hesitant to learn as i was afraid of the unknown. but i decided to try the course. The course content was put out clearly and easy to follow. The process and progress had been encouraging and i feel more confident as i went along. Im surprised i could connect n communicate so early on in the course, as i had friends share their experiences after attending in-person classes for animal communication and they seem to need more preparatory work before being able to communicate with the animals! Also the forum is so accessible n resourced with photos which we can easily get n practise on. People in the forum are friendly n easy to get feedback from also! Love the good work you guys do and definitely will be recommending to others!