Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members
Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,
The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives
Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂
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Meine Hunde und ich sind tiefer verbunden als je zuvor. Vorallem meine sensible Hündin Shana verstehe ich jetzt viel besser. Sie hat Trust angewendet, bevor ich Trust näher kannte. Sie kommuniziert zuerst nur energetisch mit Hunden, die sie nicht kennt. Bevor sie mit ihnen in physischen Kontakt geht, wird sie genau so präsent, wie James das lehrt und wenn der andere Hund in seinem friedvollen Sein angelangt ist, dann ist sie bereit zu agieren. Ihre Art dies zu tun, hilft jedoch nicht nur dem andern Hund, sondern auch ihr selber, mir und der ganzen Gruppe. Vorher, als ich das nicht spürte, war Shana oft sehr heftig in ersten Begegnungen, weil sie die Unruhe um sich herum aufnahm und körperlich entlud.
So hat sie mich inspiriert, den Praktiker zu absolvieren und ihr mein volles Vertrauen zu schenken.
My dogs and I are more deeply connected than ever before. I now understand my sensitive dog Shana much better. She used Trust before I knew Trust. At first she only communicates energetically with dogs she doesn't know. Before she makes physical contact with them, she becomes present in exactly the same way as James teaches and when the other dog has reached its peaceful state, then she is ready to act. Her way of doing this not only helps the other dog, but also herself, me and the whole group. Before, when I didn't feel it, Shana was often very violent in the first encounters because she absorbed the unrest around her and released it physically.
So she inspired me to complete the practitioner course and put my full trust in her.

I loved your course and I believe it has helped me calm my dog (during storms and loud noises)this is a work in progress. I wanted to do your course so it would make me more confident when I started volunteering at my local RSPCA. I feel more calm in my self as well, so I`ll see how I go as I started today. Thank you so much. I`m in the process in starting the course again..........

Hello, I have two Arabian horses: Jassir, 7 years old and Takhira, 9 years old and a dog, Luna 8 years old. After training them together with a riding instructor, I realised that Takhira remained quite skittish and that Jassir would bite if he was upset or under pressure. I got to know TT at the beginning of 2024 and did the online course. The most impressive experience was when a mouse joined me and the horses at the present moment. From then on, I was convinced that TT also worked for me. I have been meditating for myself every day since then and have been using TT regularly with the horses over the last few weeks while I finished the course. I and my animals have more self-confidence, Takhira has lost her jumpiness and Jassir has lost most of his biting behaviour. I feel their emotions and listen to them more often and earlier thanks to TT, so that I react with calm instead of pressure. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this course, which I can recommend to everyone. Beate from Malvaglia, Switzerland

I am totally blown away by these videos. My dog is terribly afraid of groomers and vets. I’ve been working with behavioral vets, which includes medications to calm him down. I want to learn more to see if I can use these techniques to get him to the vet without being terribly scared.

Hello Trust Technique team 🙂
My name is Tracy and I have extensive horse experience and have myself taught bodywork workshops under the name Your Grateful Horse. I came across your site approximately a year ago and LOVE the work you teach. I have a small equine rescue and sanctuary (I have just obtained our 501c3 called "EARS" which is located at Donkey Magic Farm. I currently have a herd of 5. I have been using your technique for the following issues. Zeus (shetland pony) 23yrs of age and Jasper (the pony mule) have been chased cornered and caught. Zeus was highly and roughly over-trained and moves into learned helplessness after he has been caught. He will do anything for you at that point. Jasper was an accidental birth. his herd was rescued, he was separated from his family and put by himself where he escaped regularly. He was lassoed and dragged back to his isolated "home". He was "free" on facebook. No one would take him. He would run at the sight of humans approaching. He has nothing resembling the learned helplessness state. He is wildly independent. It has taken a year to get him to like touch and we are just beginning to work with a halter. The Trust technique has allowed me to build a relationship with both Zeus and Jasper that is increasing their learning curves exponentially! I have a very high thinking donkey I have had since he was 7 months old. Burrito is 8 now. He was always taught by me that his opinion counted. We sometimes call him "Brattito" I look forward to the rescheduling of your vodcast on "Boundaries". This is where we are at with him as he would "LOVE" to be in your lap. He is a standard Donkey so is large! The trust technique has been helping to quiet him as we do extensive walking out on the desert, and we visit our local Veteran's home. Taco (sire) of Burrito was 10 when he arrived 8 years ago. He was completely shut down when he arrived. No one had ever considered his opinion about anything. He was ponied behind a cowboy's horse. An activity I cannot imagine he would enjoy as his hooves were growing out sideways from his coronary band. I believe he was used as a roping instead of roping calves in the idea that roping would ruin them for rodeo, they bring in wild donkeys and practice with them. He loves the trust technique and is much more expressive in his nature. Last but not least Karl (shetland pony)- Loved and spoiled by all, well when I practice the trust-technique with the herd...he lies down within minutes....flat out asleep! I look forward to taking your Practitioner's course. Again many thanks for bringing the work/PEACE to the many rescue animals to whom this benefits so much.

I tried the technique with my wolf-dog after she went over a week without eating much more than a couple cups of food total, the worst diarrhea and unable to hold in water. I thought she was dying and I freaked out completely.
I changed my mind set, stopped freaking out and did exactly as the video showed and in 2 minutes (no joke),
She got up and went to her food dish and began to eat.
She isn't out of the dark yet but she's still eating more each time.
Thank you. I'll be asking Santa for the full video course this Xmas.

A very interesting course, I wish I had come across it years ago when I had horses and dogs and cats and various semi wild animals.
I found the music on the videos distracting but with volume control sub-titles managed to work round it.
I am glad to see that there are practitioners all around the world, a welcome change from the behaviourist approach I was taught at university.

A very interesting course, i wish I had found it years ago when I had horses, cats and dogs and various semi wild animals.
I found the background music distracting, but with volume control, mute and sub-titles managed to work round it. I am glad to see how many practitioners are scattered around the world.

I originally enrolled to be able to help Tommy, our dog primarily with the issue he has with a neighbour who dislikes him and at whom he barks when she's outside. We haven't completely resolved the issue but we've come a long way. The course has changed so much for me personally (as well as helping Tommy). The Trust Technique has helped me so much with my own life and I know it was something I was meant to find and learn. I will continue to help Tommy and also myself. The present moment is so simple and yet so profound and is far more beneficial than any of the meditations I used to do each day. Thank you James and Shelley for this wonderful video course.

i'm fully satisfied with your caring skills and cannot say how pleased you are belonging for animals in nature which we belong every year if you could give me a help and a hope for my channel i'll love to hear from youtube commercials like yours
Thanks and all my Gracefulness into your Care and heart for others

Fabulous course. I learned so much and have been able to help my lively terrier. I loved it so much that I have enrolled to become a practitioner so that I will be able to share this with others.

Thank you for this wonderful course it has helped my horses especially my elderly Misty who has always been flighty and very nervous she is now calm and for her to go to sleep while I was sitting next to her just astounded me. I also used it on my young standard poodle as normal training was not being very effective. But TT has worked wonders on her. It has improved her life and mine when we are out and I can let her off the lease and she will return when called. Thank you Thank you.?

I have just restarted the video course because I feel it is like a friend I’d want to keep coming to. I found the Trust Technique some time after my first dog had died, still mourning, and it helped me a lot to be in touch with other animals, even if only virtually, and to watch the beautiful work you are doing. When I had gained enough trust again I was lucky to find a new canine companion. She is a rescue dog and very spirited. I am more grateful than I can say for everything and it is very good to know that the present moment will always be there. Thank you so much for showing me.

Dear James dear Shelley,
In the darkest hour of my life, your course found me.
I have been on the TT journey with my animals and family for 1 year now. I have been looking for it for so long! As a highly sensitive and ADHD woman, I can now stop my thought carousel, become peaceful and dive even deeper into feeling. Through you I finally learned to meditate after 20 years. Truly world changing! So profound and touching. How often did I cry. Because I felt.
Also wonderful in combination with animal communication and energy work. So gentle, loving and appreciative of everything.
Thank you for your being!
James .... I will miss your calming voice very much

Excellent! i worked it with horses, dogs, and cats, even with sheeps! I love it!
my best experience was with an untamed stallion which had had a bad experience the only time it had been caught, and it functions so so good!!
i use it always in my interactions with horses!
a big THANKS!

This course was absolutely phenomenal. Watching James use his techniques and really apply what he was teaching was like you were there with him. No matter horse or dog or cat ...he came though each time almost effortlessly . However, this is his technique which he has perfected so amazingly over the years so its no wonder it is perfection every time . This course is so awesome and would recommend to anyone who loves animals and wants to truly help them on the deepest level possible ...❤️

Dear James and Shelley,
I have found The Trust Technique a life changing experience. It has taught me how to deeply listen to animals. I trust my instincts with the communication I receive. Animals naturally feel peace and calm when you invite them, without any agenda, to engage with you through a quiet mind. Your technique showed me the importance of patience and persistence.
The Trust Technique has enriched daily life for me and my Soul Cat Lottie.
I have had countless wondrous interactions with many species, including much Australian wildlife. Creatures have come to acknowledge and "thank" me when I have assisted them, having fallen from nests, or assisting prior to their young becoming hurt/prey.
The healing horse herd I volunteered with graced me with many opportunities to practice The Trust Technique. I am ever grateful to my dear horse friends and their owner for these opportunities.
I am also infinitely grateful to the many many cetaceans who continue to teach me so much in this realm and also in the etheric realm...I consider them Kin. Wise and Ancient Elders.
Thank you for such a rich and wonderful course. Thank you for sharing all that you do with deep compassion, infinite love, peace and patience.
Gratitude and Love, Emily and Lottie

Carissimi Shelley e James ,vi sono infinitamente grata per quello che fate ogni giorno per tutti gli Animali .Ho appena iniziato il corso e sono entusiasta di apprendere questo metodo.lo consiglio con il cuore a tutti coloro che vogliono aiutare gli animali .L.amore che ci mettete oltrepassa i video e arriva direttamente nel cuore ..grazie
Dear Shelley and James, I am infinitely grateful for what you do every day for all the Animals. I have just started the course and I am enthusiastic about learning this method. I recommend it with all my heart to all those who want to help animals. The love you put into it goes beyond the videos and arrives directly in the heart.. thank you

So many have already said what I also feel. Still, I want to say: I am so, so grateful that you and this technique exist. I’m thankful for the loving way you share your technique, and most of all, I’m grateful for all the animals that are better off thanks to your help. Every morning, I wish for many miracles to help the animals, and I always picture James freeing that young wild horse from its too-tight halter, with his friend also feeling such relief that help has come. So once again: thank you, Shelley & James??

Dear Shelley & James
I was just rewatching the video course the second time and I think I will just start over again. It makes me feel so good and I am learning so much I am awed.
The way to work with animals on such a deep level from heart to heart is just amazing. I am using the trust for myself on a daily base to work with animals their humans and my animals and it changed my whole life. I think the time is right for some new understanding between humans, animals and nature and Shelley and James are touching my heart. It feels like finally coming home, being understood and finding my missing piece.
I am also thankful for all the animals in my life who brought me an this path they where an are great teachers especially Camillo who brought me to the trust technique . We are still on our way to trust in trust.
Much love Guzi