Before contacting us, let's see if we can answer your question!
Course Related
Most of our products will have a dropdown next to the price that enables you to convert the price into your currency however if this isn’t available, click on this link –Â
If you want to question or discuss any of the content that you are learning on the course, we have a dedicated forum for each course where you can do so.
To find this, on the left hand menu once you are logged in you will see All Forums. Click this and then click the relative course to use the forum. You can then click on New Discussion to create a post.
We have a very active community who will be able to help with any queries you have.
No, this course is not certificated. It is a course for private use only for you and the animals that you are responsible for.
If you wish to gain a qualification in the Trust Technique, please consider our practitioner program.
The ACT 1 was our first product, which has now evolved into a very grounded approach we call the Trust Technique.
The Trust Technique video course is designed for you to use the methods with your own animals. If you are interested in helping other animals using this method, please consider becoming a practitioner as this will provide you with a certified qualification.
We are fortunate to be able to travel around the world sharing the Trust Technique in all corners of the globe however we are currently not running any events.
The video course is for you and your animals to work together. It is not animal assisted therapy.
We use the profits from our business to enable us to travel to animal rescue centres around the world and share the Trust Technique with both the staff and the animals. We really appreciate the support you provide and if you wish to donate, you can do so here –Â
Yes, you can. Please make sure you are logged in and head to this link –
You will find instructions using the dropdown tab at the top of the page on how to generate an invoice.
We currently have English subtitles available for all our videos within our courses. Simply click the CC icon in the bottom right hand corner of the video to turn them on and off.
We are also translating our courses and videos into French, Spanish, German and Italian and hope to implement these languages in July 2021.Â
Nous avons actuellement des sous-titres en anglais disponibles pour toutes nos vidéos dans nos cours. Cliquez simplement sur l’icône CC dans le coin inférieur droit de la vidéo pour les activer et les désactiver.
Nous traduisons également nos cours et vidéos en français, espagnol, allemand et italien et espérons mettre en œuvre ces langues en juillet 2021.
Actualmente tenemos subtÃtulos en inglés disponibles para todos nuestros videos dentro de nuestros cursos. Simplemente haga clic en el Ãcono CC en la esquina inferior derecha del video para encenderlos y apagarlos.
También estamos traduciendo nuestros cursos y videos al francés, español, alemán e italiano y esperamos implementar estos idiomas en julio de 2021.
Derzeit stehen für alle unsere Videos in unseren Kursen englische Untertitel zur Verfügung. Klicken Sie einfach auf das CC-Symbol in der unteren rechten Ecke des Videos, um sie ein- und auszuschalten.
Wir übersetzen unsere Kurse und Videos auch ins Französische, Spanische, Deutsche und Italienische und hoffen, diese Sprachen im Juli 2021 implementieren zu können.
Al momento abbiamo i sottotitoli in inglese disponibili per tutti i nostri video all’interno dei nostri corsi. Fai semplicemente clic sull’icona CC nell’angolo in basso a destra del video per attivarli e disattivarli.
Stiamo anche traducendo i nostri corsi e video in francese, spagnolo, tedesco e italiano e speriamo di implementare queste lingue nel luglio 2021.
The emails may take a few minutes to arrive but if you haven’t heard from us after a couple of hours please check your Spam folder or Promotions tab. It may also help to add the following email address to your trusted senders –Â
Failing this, you can contact us using the form below.
You need to have purchased a course to be able to log in. Members with free access are not able to do so.
On this page you can find a video explaining how to log in and get to your course –Â
If you can’t remember your login details, you can request a new password on the login page. Just follow the link to do so.
We have a small dedicated team and a very large website with lots of pages full of great content. Occasionally there are some glitches or you may have noticed something that doesn’t look quite right!
If this is the case, please scroll down and fill out the form below explaining in full detail the problem you are experiencing.
We have a helpful video to show you how to find your course here –Â
Once you have logged in, you will find a menu on the left hand side of the screen. If you can’t see this menu, try clicking the 3 horizontal lines located next to the word Home in the main menu at the top of the page.
On this menu you will see the link to All Courses. Click on this and scroll down to find your enrolled courses.
Not yet! However we are working on translating all our video content so that subtitles can be displayed.
Yes, please go to for more details.
We’re sorry to see you go! If you want to cancel your subscription, log in and click on My Account on the left hand menu on the page (click the three horizontal bars next to Home on the top menu to open and close the left hand menu).
Then click Subscriptions and delete the appropriate subsciption from within the page.
Fill out the form below to contact us:
We will be delighted to hear from you.