discover the mindful approach that helps you as much as your animal

The Introduction Course. Discover our proven method on how peace, patience, persistence and purpose can create a better world for you and your animals:

Subtitles in
Deutsch, Espanol, Francais, Italiano and English

The missing "peace" in the relationship with your animal

We have all been conditioned over centuries to believe such things as the boss theory, pressure methods, animals don’t have feelings and that somehow your animal is competing against you. This stems from the judgement of “bad” behaviour which needs correction and reprimand. The problem here is that behaviour is only the outward expression of something else, which is happening on a deeper level and that is how your animal is FEELING.

Either consciously or subconsciously you will be sharing these feelings. It will more than likely be expressed by you as one or as a combination of these emotions. Frustration, anger, worry, guilt, embarrassment, helplessness, despair, anxiety and the list goes on.
This creates a gap between how you truly feel about your animal, the love you have for them and the way you are reacting to them. It is this separation that causes the most pain in the relationship! 

The key to making fast and long-lasting positive change is to help them let go of fear and build trust and confidence in you and his or her surroundings.

Discover a new connection, that will benefit you as much as your animal

The Trust Technique® is a mindful approach to help your animal and yourself. A simple way to develop a peaceful connection with trust and confidence. By changing the negative feelings you are sharing.
Experience a quantum shift in shared trust, overcome problems in a kind considerate way and develop new inspired levels of co-operation.
The Trust Technique can help all sentient beings with a gently profound non-dominant approach.

Inspiring and touching messages that talk straight to the heart. Time for change cannot be postponed, starting from ourselves for the benefit of animals and the whole planet. Thank you, James and Shelley, for all what you are doing and how you are doing it.


The messages of trust video series

Introduction to the Trust Technique

It is the perfect way to see the benefits that this method offers and includes practical advice that can be implemented in your relationship straight away.

This introduction also includes exercises to start you on the Trust Technique journey. Helping you know if you would like to learn all the exercises found in the next course “The Foundation”

Message 1

Creating a relationship beyond emotions that has a shared healing effect

  • Why a mindful approach changes everything
  • The importance of thinking feeling levels
  • How to create a peaceful connection
  • Helping your animal with physical and emotional healing
  • Exploring the technique Creative Reaction
  • Run time 21.51 mins

Message 2

A unique and simple way to resolve behaviour problems with regard and kindness.

  • How animals and people react
  • The true nature of problems
  • How a change of perception is a change of behaviour
  • How animals can realise their own learning without training
  • Exploring the bigger picture of animal care
  • Run time 29.36 mins

Message 3

Exploring new levels of communication and trusted co-operation. 

  • Understand the spirit of co-operation
  • Easily teach your animal with full willingness
  • How to create a two way animal communication
  • A deep look at interacting with your animals intelligence
  • The future of how we can be working with animals
  • Run time 39.35 mins

Start learning the techniques

Learn how to simply enter the present moment

  • What is the present moment
  • How to enter the present moment
  • How to make your present moment stronger
  • Run time 27.32 mins
  • Plus much more

Bonus Footage

Touching Story of a very abused lion and how we helped him build his confidence

  • 5 Video set
  • Helping an abused lion
  • See the technique in action
  • Feel the possibilities for all animals
  • Understand our rescue work
  • Run time 50 mins 

Messages Of Trust Video Series

Promotional Price
£ 9
Onetime Payment
  • Inspired connection with your animals
  • One Payment For The Full Series With Lifetime Access
  • Message 1 - Building connection
  • Messages 2 - Overcoming problems
  • Messages 3 - Inspired possibilities
  • Start learning the techniques
  • Story of Ares the lion 5 videos
  • Perfect introduction for the foundation course
  • Subtitles in Deutsch, Espanol, English, Francais and Italiano
  • 14 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • GDPR Compliant

Questions & Answers

They are the pure essence of the Trust Technique. Describing in great detail what this method is and how this approach can benefit both you and your animals. It is the introduction course and helps you to know if this way of helping is right for you.

We believe that it works with all sentient beings. Not that we have worked with all the different animals on the planet 🙂 We have worked with horses, dogs, cats, lions, bears and numerous types of farm animals.

The Trust Technique was developed to help the sensitive animals that the other approaches have not been able to help. Because the animals’ opinion is fully regarded it means that the animal is not placed in a position to be pressured. This then helps them trust and build confidence in you.

The Messages Of Trust
This is the introduction course.
The Trust Technique Video Course 
This is the online foundation course. This teaches you all of the techniques themselves and contains over 50 hours of video tutorials and case studies with horses, dogs, cats, lions and bears
The Trust Technique Practitioner online qualification
This is a 2 year (part-time) Ofqual level 3 diploma, for those wishing to have a career in helping people and animals.
Animal Communication Audio Set
Teaching the very natural skill of animal communication
We also have a number of in-person workshops we teach in Europe, America and Australia

It can really help!
The Trust Technique takes your relationship to the next level. Building a deeper connection and showing clearly how to share the true spirit of co-operation

Yes because this is the relationship underneath the actions we do. Will it change what you do? This we can not answer. Will it change HOW you do? Most definitely.

Please contact us and we will be delighted to help you. You can contact us by clicking the help button below.


Support –
Address: 8 Combe View, Woodside Rd, Chiddingfold, Surrey, GU8 4RB, UK
Tel: +44 1428 685 944

James French Trust Technique ® 2023. All rights reserved.

All Reviews

Louise Seymour
Posted on:

I so enjoyed everything about this course. Enlightening and uplifting. I am now full of enthusiasm for learning more!

Posted on:

Really enjoyed this short course and loved the present moment practice. Will be pursuing more courses to support myself and my dogs. Thank you.

Victoria Anne Evans
Posted on:

I don't have an animal to work with, but I'm learning so much that will help my relationship with my children, and grandchildren. Thank you. You have a very measured and peaceful way of communicating, and I look forward to doing my homework every day..

Gerhardt Van Heerden
Posted on:

I think it is very useful & WILL help everybody!!

Paul Dunki-Jacobs
Posted on:

Great stuff. Thanks. I learned about myself. I don't have any animals, so I will not continue with the course.
Lots of luck, Paul

I found the course to be fascinating, and very useful for my horses, one of whom has significant trust issues, although she is already showing signs of improvement, thank you so much. I aim to undertake further courses in the future, thanks again !

Ragnhild Brun
Posted on:

Thank YOU!! I need to stick to the first steps for some time before continuing your courses 2 and 3. It gives a peace of mind listening to things you know are right

Nicola Moss
Posted on:

This was an interesting introduction to a kind and gentle way to having peaceful connections with life in all its forms. As an artist I found it interesting to find a parallel to my own creative practice. There were some clear messages given one in particular that well illustrated how the agitation of fear blocks peace and a meaningful connection.

A Rodenburg
Posted on:

Ben een hele periode bezig geweest in de manege, en kwam erachter dat er een band ontstond tussen mij en verschillende paarden ik ervoer dit als spiritueel, er was een wisselwerking met de paarden die vredig was, sommige paarden konden niet geborsteld worden en hen ze altijd in alle rust benaderd en toegelaten door met zachte betasting ze aan te raken bemerkte ik dat ze open stonden voor ontspanning en toelaten van ander dingen zoals het hoofd op mijn schouder laten rusten en me toe lieten om het lichaam te strelen daarna kon ik ze borstelen sommige vonden het heerlijk om met mijn vinger hun tanden te poetsen. ook die vertrouwensband, sommige opstandelingen kon ik met mijn ogen dwingen om rustig te zijn, ze noemde mij de paarden fluisteraar en heb zo het vertrouwen terug gewonnen voor de angst voor paarden en kwam erachter hoe gevoelig ze zijn voor mijn benadering, ben heel blij dat het onder woorden is gebracht door deze verhelderende woorden van jouw lessen en de herkenning, ja het geeft een bevestiging op wat ik ervaren heb een wisselwerking tussen dier en mens. dankje wel voor die objectieviteit en de helderheid, het heeft me ontroerd vanwege de herkenning, veel succes met jouw wijze adviezen! groet Ton

Christine Jones
Posted on:

This has truly been life changing. It also has brought feelings I've been surpressing for a long, long time and along with that came the guilt and the shame that I now realize has been holding me back and keeping me from being more present and aware. Thank you for all that you do and the message of peace and hope that you bring to humans and animals.

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