Animal Communication

Discover these easy to use, tried and tested methods that open a new perspective on understanding an animal’s emotions.

Animal Communication Suite Upgrade

Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £79.00. (+VAT)



Understand how your animal is feeling

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Joëy de Man

I really love this course. But I even more love the opportunity to practice. The hardest thing to do is to leave my own interpretation out of it but there for you can only practice and sometimes do the course over again. I also find it very nice to bring in the things I have learned from the TT video course.
Thank you for sharing

Laurie Ingebritsen

I have been listening to animals for a while now, but this course helped me put a structure to what I do and helped me to look at it in a slightly different way. It also helped me to put aside the feeling that “I must be making it up.” Now when the animals reach out to me, I can listen with my whole heart because my doubting brain isn’t getting in the way. Thank you James!

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Bronwyn Bain

It has been an interesting year for me so far. Starting the Trust Technique, and then a workshop with Gordon Smith the medium, where I was astounded at my ability to tell a man in Michigan what was going on in his life. This helped me realise that there was a need to develop this ability that I have always wondered about, but never pursued. Then there is dowsing the Earth Energies which took me back to Animal Communication with a lot more confidence. I believe we are connected to source when we are doing this. How lucky we are to be able to communicate to animals. Thanks James for helping me open a door onto a wonderful world.

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Monique Peereboom

Thank you for organizing ACT 1 online. Lovely to see other people grow in 2 sessions. I did some AC before but got a lot of new points of interest which I can use now.

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Monique Peereboom

Listening to the course once now. It was very interesting and helpful to have more tips to communicate with animals. I got one email of Belinda from Australia. She did a very good conversation with my mare POM. So it is very nice to give feedback at your communication colleges. Hopefully I am able to do the same. Big thumbs up and a 5 star for you….