Animal Communication

Discover these easy to use, tried and tested methods that open a new perspective on understanding an animal’s emotions.

Animal Communication Suite Upgrade

Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £79.00. (+VAT)



Understand how your animal is feeling

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Rosemary Elliott

I have to say that I am still not sure if it was the ACT 1 cd that found me or I found it.However buying the ACT 1 cd opened pathways that I would never have believed possible in the realms of animal communication. The cd is of very high quality and good value for money. James leads you through the animal communication skills he teaches in a clear and compassionate way.The cd led me to attend an ACT 1 workshop which I would recommend to everyone. I listen to the cd regularly and I have had some very interesting connections, some when I least expected them. To say it has been life changing would be to put it mildly.

Rebecca Lowe

The CDs are very easy to follow and are very relaxing. The beauty of the CDs is that you can learn at your own pace. They are even something I still listen too even though I am now qualified. They would make a great present for any animal lover (you dont need to own an animal to love them)as even if they were not likely to take the learning any further the CDs allow you to think very differently about the animal world and for those with animals it will certainly deepen their relationships with their own animals. An excellent buy for all…..

Anne Jepson

The CD set is well worth buying and provides an excellent backup to the skills learnt at the ACT1 workshop. I enjoy listening to the CDs and recommend anyone to buy them who is interested in this work.

Alison Vail

I had already found when treating horses with reiki that communication happens. In wanting to explor this more James French name was mentioned by a friend and I received the CD and have been on the ACT1 workshop. I used the CD prior to the workshop and found the 3 different methods taught were easy to follow and practice and worked. The one day workshop was really worthwhile and enjoyable too. It is good to have the CD as with any skill development practice and repetition and easy access to learning material is vital. Although, I am having a break from animal work at the moment due to personal commitments I know I can listen to the CD as and when to keep my mind in that zone.

sheila moore

I really enjoyed the ACT1 course and the CDs are excellent. I use this knowledge on a regular basis when healing animals. Jamess voice is very clear and easy to listen too.