The Trust Technique Foundation
Video Course

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
The video course clearly shares how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives.
Subtitiles in English, Deutsch, Espanol, Italiano ,Francais
Tutorials & Case Studies
with horses, dogs, cats, lions and bears
A life changing video course!

Inspired possibilities with kindness!
The Trust Technique ® is based on the premise that you and your animals share and react to micro feelings. When there is over-thinking it creates strong emotional feelings. This makes it difficult to understand or connect with each other and can have a negative impact on the relationship. Over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people!
This mindful practice is shared between you and your animals and is the opposite to over-thinking. The new connection builds a core bond of trust and confidence in each other, which can then be developed well beyond any problems. When the relationship shifts from fear to trust, over-reactions are replaced with instinctual learning.
A peaceful authentic state of being that promotes cooperation through kindness. The reward, is a more truthful understanding of animal intelligence and allows for communication that manifests in shared wellbeing.
Course structure
The video course is laid out in sections, in total there are currently over 250 videos. Each section has a number of different tutorials and working sessions with different animals. You will find Horses, Dogs, Cats, Lions and Bears all being helped with the Trust Technique. The tutorials give very clear exercises so that you can start using the Trust Technique with your animal within the first hour. The animal sessions are either working and helping rescued animals or private consultations with James’ clients.
This is the perfect way for you to discover the many concepts and principles of the Trust Technique and then share this practically with your own animals.
James teaches you on a one to one level, sharing his intimate and personal experiences of working with clients and rescue centre animals. Imagine being able to connect to this information when you need it! The course plays on all devices, so you can watch with your horse in the field!

James and Shelley donate their time to teach rescue staff this method. The examples in the video course feature Dogs, Horses, Cats, Lions and Bears

The video course covers numerous home visits, helping animals and people with the Trust Technique. These examples include Dogs, Horses and Cats.

Detailed and fun tutorials which are simple to do and very beautiful to share with your animals. Experience is everything and this is where yours starts!
Course Benefits
The Trust Technique is not just for helping your animal who has problems! It is a combination of both communication and healing that will benefit you as much as them.
At the beginning it may be that you need to help them find trust and confidence and this soon develops to deepened states of connection and communication.
- A simple way to find and stay in the present moment
- How to deliver the present moment to your animal and give them peace of mind
- How to create a intuitive listening environment between you and your animal
- How to change deep feared conditions and help your animal change long term
- How to let go of your own painful past and create a peaceful future with the Trust Technique for people
- Animal Communication, how to accurately pick up and deliver feelings from and to your animals
- Discover a powerful method of animal healing
- Understanding and finding peace with animal bereavement
- Indirectly know that you are helping animals worldwide
now its time to take your trust
To the next level
The Trust Technique Foundation
Video Course
Full Course
Access To Everything-
Learn all the techniques!
Lifetime access to the full course
Understand all 3 main principles
learn mindfulness for yourself
Share mindfulness with your animal
Build trust with your animal
Overcome behavioural problems
True Co-operation with your animal
Develop an intuitive connection
Develop communication and healing
Trust Technique for humans
300+ life-changing videos available.
Short learning curve fast application
Access all 68 animal case-studies
Horses, dogs, cats, lion, and bears.
Examples with rescue centres
Example with private consultation
Forum access
Be part of a caring online community
Ask Questions
Guidance for your situation
Connection with practitioners
Deutsch Espanol Francais Italiano
Prerequisite for TT Practitioner
Memberships help animal welfare
14 day refund
GDPR Compliant
Secure Payment PayPal or Stripe
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Questions & Answers
We believe that it works with all sentient beings. Not that we have worked with all the different animals on the planet :) We have worked with horses, dogs, cats, lions, bears and numerous types of farm animals.
The Trust Technique was developed to help the sensitive animals that the other approaches have not been able to help. Because the animals’ opinion is fully regarded it means that the animal is not placed in a position to be pressured. This then helps them trust and build confidence in you.
The Messages Of Trust
This is the introduction course.
The Trust Technique Video Course
This is the online foundation course. This teaches you all of the techniques themselves and contains over 50 hours of video tutorials and case studies with horses, dogs, cats, lions and bears
The Trust Technique Practitioner online qualification
This is a 2 year (part-time) Ofqual level 3 diploma, for those wishing to have a career in helping people and animals.
Animal Communication Audio Set
Teaching the very natural skill of animal communication
We also have a number of in-person workshops we teach in Europe, America and Australia
It can really help!
The Trust Technique takes your relationship to the next level. Building a deeper connection and showing clearly how to share the true spirit of co-operation
Yes because this is the relationship underneath the actions we do. Will it change what you do? This we can not answer. Will it change HOW you do? Most definitely.
Please contact us and we will be delighted to help you
Click on the help button below
All Reviews

I have just completed the video course. During this period of corona virus I spaced out the course to give myself uplifting moments. Like many of us, spending time with our animals has felt extra precious over the past 12 months. I felt so happy to be able to give back to my horse, by using the trust technique as a thank you to him for all he gives to me. Thank you James and Shelley.

starting the year under the impression of lockdown, distancing and all the changes that had to be mace in social life, a friend said: we must open our view for something that doesn’t have these limits. There should be something for us to broaden, to deepen our understanding and personal life quality despite all these restraints we are feeling from covid. So I decided to keep my eyes open for a hint…. and came upon Trust Technique videos, don’t ask me how. And it spoke to my heart immediately. But then – I don’t have any animal just now. What for, then? So I purchased the first little course, I thought: well, it’s like reading a book. Then decided to go on.
It has been the experience of a refuge into a peaceful place, can’t say it otherwise. Working on my own issues during the course gave me insight and the tools do deal with some well-known packages I was carrying. I am deeply grateful do be able to watch the course videos, to work through the exercises, and to enhance my own peace of mind and what I bring into the world by this. Smiling still at the fact that there is no animal friend yet. ( I had thought of a cat again for the moment of my retirement next year…. )
But, there may be something coming my way, you never know, do you.
Thanks a lot to you, James and Shelley, for your work and the beautiful way you are presenting it to us. For the others in your team, too, who keep things working.
Take care, all of you. We will live through this period and then enjoy what we took for granted even more.
Katrin (Germany)

I think that the Trust Technique is an awesome way to BE with animals!! I am loving the lessons and learning soooo much. When your sharing comes up on face book, I always pass it on.

The Trust Technique has definitely been the best thing I have ever done for my horse Edward Bear. The best money I have ever spent.
Edward Bear is my 17’2 Hanoverian gelding. He was very aggressive in his stall. He would kick, buck, bare his teeth and bite. Obviously everyone considered him very dangerous. He had bit me on several occasions. I was at my wits end.
I purchased the Trust Technique and started working with him on Jan 27th. The transformation with Edward Bear has been unbelievable. I worked with him very slowly and followed that exact advice of Shelly and James. Another outstanding part of this course was when I reached out for some help , Shelly emailed me back within 24 hours. Very impressive in this day and age. Shelly was extremely knowledgeable and gave me very specific details on how to work with him.
Edward Bear has literally been transformed. Even the staff at the stable have said in awe, “What have you done to him?” I am now able to tack him up in his stall with no aggressive reactions. Edward Bear is a show jumper and was very reluctant to work. Now he seems very eager to please me. He even comes to the door ready to put his halter on. I did not think this would ever be possible.
Shelly and James, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing your Trust Technique to the world.
Sincerely Carolyn Klause and Edward Bear:)

I am so deeply thankful that this videocourse came into my life. It makes me really happy and by watching these videos, I feel always deep touched. Thank you James for realisating this course for all of us – a true wonderful gift. Lots of love from switzerland, Christine