What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


The Trust Work is a blessing for the world. I am very glad to have found this course. It changed my life. I did the course for over two years and took the time I needed to profoundly learn it and establish the TT habit in my daily life – I am slow, for others it won't be a problem to do it much faster! Especially when everything around me is "too much", I stop and get quiet. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Not just for my animals or for me, also for my baby grandson, if he has problems to let go and fall asleep, it's a wonderful method. I can't thank you enough, dear James, dear Shelley and dear TT-Team!


Simple and efficient


Guy, what a gift to the world. I am so deeply touched by the interaction that came to life so far with the truth technique involved. It gave me a way to step in a world i knew was out there but didn’t know how to access that way. The depths of connection i encounter where mind blowing. They had some many different nuances to it. Look forward to learn more and more. And to dive even deeper.


La cosa più grandiosa di questa Trust Technique è la sua semplicità!!
The greatest thing about this Trust Technique is its simplicity!!


Thank you so much! This videocourse has been very helpful and interesting. I am looking forward to even more videos, showing a lot of different cases and how to overcome the difficulties or problems that the animals or the humans may have.
In some of the videos the sound is not so good, due to other disturbing sounds. It was not so easy to hear what the people said.
Overall I really really like this course!

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