What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


I went through all the video course for the second time . This was lovely to see all those animals ,who went through so much abuses and pains …with the present moment … returning to theirs true essence, finding peace and playfulness. This is what human been will find for themself if they stay in the present moment and let go all the stress and abuses they have suffered as children …. They will find peace , joy fullness and playfulness … 🙂 thank you so much to Shelley and James ….your work is exceptionally beautiful and indispensable for the planet….well done 🙂
…. This video course is a gift that everyone should give to himself…. And for his animal …
With gratitude


I feel I have been looking for the Trust Technique my whole life. This modality is profound, powerful and life changing. It is healing me as well as our animals, and the connection is deep and beautiful. I am just so grateful.


Just what my animals needed (or to be honest: what I really needed ) A wonderful and inspiring course!


The Trust Work is a blessing for the world. I am very glad to have found this course. It changed my life. I did the course for over two years and took the time I needed to profoundly learn it and establish the TT habit in my daily life – I am slow, for others it won't be a problem to do it much faster! Especially when everything around me is "too much", I stop and get quiet. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Not just for my animals or for me, also for my baby grandson, if he has problems to let go and fall asleep, it's a wonderful method. I can't thank you enough, dear James, dear Shelley and dear TT-Team!


Simple and efficient