What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


This course is truly for me, the way forward in being with animals. It has taught me so much and I am eternally grateful for stumbling across this path. I am very excited to move into the next phase.
The last lesson/video was incredibly moving.

Thank you ????????

Trust Technique
Linda Jann

I am happy, that I found the way to you, or maybe it founds me. It is so beautiful to see what relationship and connection you James have with the anmimals, and also with the human. The way you teach the animals with their friends is so lovely. It is touching my heard. For me it was always so that the animals are also beings with awareness, feelings, emotions and their own opinion about their live. To see how many people follow this course and share the way being with the animals heal so much. You teach a such simple way to be peaceful to slow down and to geht in connection with everything. It was always difficult for me to meditate. But like this it is a liberation of all the constructions. Every day I take time for the present moment, on the walk with the dog, when I am waiting for something.....
The video course is well done, with theory teachings and the practical videos. I can follow very well becouse you speak en english clearly and slowly. So I improve also my english knowledge. Thank you James and Shelley for sharing this with the world, it is a greate gift.
Sorry for the mistakes.

Ingrid Anderson

So far I'm thoroughly enjoying the course and inspired to take this patience and empathy out to my horses each day. It is also a valuable self improvement tool - should be taught to children in kindergarten - imagine!

Coni Maddy

I am so impressed how well this course is explained and presented. But most of all I love the contents and the outcome and effects it will have on the animals and on everyone doing this course. Great job James and Shelley and thank you so much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us.

Helga Rachel Høgåsen

Thank you James, for this fantastic offering to humans and animals! I've been meditating for many years, learning from many brilliant teachers , but none of them have offered me an approach that is as simple, clear, efficient, respectful, and directly applied to the benefit of all. I've also been dealing with trauma for many years, again learning from several brilliant teachers, but this video-course has given me a unique understanding of the patience needed. Thanks to you, the most sensitive and scared hidden parts are finally dearing to emerge, being received by a caring and competent grownup. As I watch the videos, I can feel healing occurring inside the animals and inside of me. Thank you, thank you, and deep bow .

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