What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


This is the kind of treatment, I would love to see more of. I’m very excited to begin this journey. It FEELS very good. Thank you for what you do.

Fransvan Zaalen

Dear Shelley and James,
Wonderful to see all this healing happening and often within a small amount of time.
You have created a beautiful technique.
Kind regards


Just finished the course. I've found it inspiring, moving & extremely interesting. It's helped me to remain positive through some difficult & emotional times. It's great that it's so effective on all animals including humans. I've been practising the technique on my own animals but will look into taking this further. I obviously don't get quite the same results as James & Shelley but practice makes perfect. Such a beautiful thing to offer any animal & I feel this is something I can use in many situations from now on. Thank you so much for sharing your gift xx


The information in this course is riveting. The techniques are simple and everyone can learn them. James and Shelly are changing the world for both animals and humans.


Bless you James French and Shelley. WOW. I am so grateful to have found your training, and I don’t know how I did find you quite a few years ago.
This program Trust-Technique is by far the most beautiful study of animal nature I have ever had the pleasure to being exposed to anywhere In the world.

As a Animal Reiki practitioner here in the United States,, I am familiar with some of this content, but still learned so many important lessons about being present and so much more that is helping me in my personal life and in my professional animal healing life.

PLEASE share with EVERYONE you know that has animal companions or loves animals as part of their personal humanity. You will NOT be sorry, and dear James French, you are the most compassionate, loving, and peaceful human being I have ever had the pleasure to “witness”. Bless you for all you do to educate all of us to take better care of our sentient friends who teach us all about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

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