What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


I really loved this video course!! I'm also benefiting personally. I manifested this and can't wait to start the practitioner program in Sept. Thank you for your work and sharing this with all. can't wait to help you share this with the world!! I finished in 28 days. I just could not get enough. I just graduated my horse to the heavens four days ago and used this to bring peace to him and my herd.


I am really sorry that I have completed this course - I just wanted it to go on and on! Very good value both in content and cost. I have enjoyed observing how the TT has developed over the years and I am still amazed and moved by the extraordinary results. I hope very much to join the Practitioner course and be able to help others to engage in this effective methodology. Just one very small point - I would have liked a small summary video at the end to acknowledge finishing the course. Looking forward to learning and practising more. My dogs and my friends animals have also enjoyed the course! The biggest lesson for me is recognising and going at the animals pace.
Thank you to James and Shelley for restoring our faith in the human/animal connection.

Note from James

Hi, Stella, this course does not end as we will be putting new content in soon 🙂


Still on my way at the very beginning. Amazing videos, very good instructions and incredible work that you are doing!!! Very grateful to be a little part of it 🙂


It is a joy to me to know that at least some of our animal friends and coinhabitants of this precious earth, are being treated with the love and kindness and respect that they deserve and to know that the inspiration is spreading. I am inspired and delighted by this work, although I don’t have any animals of my own to work with at this time, and other things take precedence, still I love to look in to this world from time to time, and I thank you for all you do.

Sheilagh Marissink

This is by far the best course that I have ever studied - and I have taken very many courses on Inner Peace, animal communication, Reiki, etc. This is so straightforward and easy to do, and I could see instant results that were lasting. All my life, I have been fearful and worried, and suffering from insomnia. Now I am peaceful, trust life, and sleep great. My horses and dogs have totally transformed as well and are a true joy to be with. Thank you so much, James for your incredible life work.

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