What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Suzanne Noble

I found it extremely informative & plan to try this with my horse who until choosing me for he's owner had had many life issues, trauma & I believe aggression played a big part of he's life. Now that he is with me, life is much freer & simply, I am allowing him to rest & enjoy life.

Deb Luckeydoo

I'm sobbing as Bella's story comes to an end. The thought of what these magnificent animals endure at the hands of mankind is gut wrenching. The work you are doing is so amazing! You truly are a gift from God! I look forward to learning more about the technique and putting it into practice with my own animals.. Thank you for the work you are doing!!!

Clare Elliott

I wish I had found the trust technique years ago. I have been on the weekend course and just been through all the sections on the video course for the first time. Trust Technique is changing my and my horses' lives for the better. It works better than any other teaching method and without any stress or upset to the animal (quite the reverse in fact). Both my horses laid down in the field with me yesterday and today and went to sleep. It is an amazing experience and very humbling. The videos and tutorials make it very clear and easy to follow and use on my own animals.


It is impossible to put into words how much I loved this program but I will try. James shows us how to be peaceful, aware, and present and then amazing things happen. It really is life changing to both animals and people. I will use what I learned here for the rest of my life and I so appreciate all that I have learned.


Wow feeling inspired by these videos and by this tutorial - my new ambition is to meet Ares with his new friend 🙂 so uplifting to watch him playing - makes me happy 🙂

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