What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?
We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂
What do our current members have to say?

I have been studying different techniques for working with horses for the past 35 years. I have to be honest and say I have used dominant behaviour on horses but with as much kindness as possible. However, I have always know there was a better way. I have never given up the search for this better way which I now know to be called the Trust Technique. It is absolutely right as James says that less is more. I have had to be really patient and fully understand and practice wach part of the process before going onto the next step. Already though I am seeing a far better relationship develing between my dogs, horse and me. Thankyou to James, Shelley and the chap doing the filming.

I had a riding accident 19 Aug 2009. I had 3 lessons with James and my fear has gone! Im happy to ride my new horse in the school or out, on my own. I spent 8mths trying to move forward and 3 2hr lessons with James and Im almost sorted. Now were working on the speed issue ie cantering and galloping which I cant wait to do. It was never about my horse, he wasnt even the one I had the accident on, it was all me and something has changed in me. I feel peaceful, calm and knowing of my horse on a deep intuitive level that my fear had blocked me picking up. James helped me dissolve that block. Happy Days.