What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Claudia Stromberg

Buying this course is the best thing I have ever done for myself! It is helping me becoming the person I have always wanted to be for my animals!
Watching James expressing true unconditional love for the animals (and people) he works with is reverberating that same place inside myself, reawakening these same qualities in me. What a joy this is!
And in that I have come to understand and make peace with my own upbringing, dissolving it in that same respect and love. What a gift! Thank you, James.


Words don't describe my feelings nor my gratitude. This is what I was looking for.


Dear Shelley and James, I am deeply moved by this course. Seeing the effects of the technique with so many animals, feeling the peace and relief and showing the caretakers the way to a deeper and clearer connection with their animals was magical. All the positive change that comes from kind loving regard and respect and peace is so powerful. The world needs more of this! I watched all videos and learned so much. I have used the technique with my dog and the horse I care for and the changes are amazing. Thank you so much for the course and the amazing work you are doing all over the world for animals and humans??


Dear James and Shelley:
What a wonderful course!!! I feel grateful and blessed. You are a true role model of peace, love, understanding, communication, union, sharing, gentleness, patience, persistence and generosity. Thank you for helping to raise consciousness and making such great contribution to the wellbeing and healing of both animals and humans.

Laura Burton

I found the Trust Technique after recommended by a friend. I was very intrigued from the beginning. I have been training horses and helping others with their "problem" horses for 20 years as a hobby and a passion, using Natural Horsemanship methods. I am always looking of ways to improve communication and understanding and strengthen the connections in more positive ways. The TT is that method that pulls the pieces together. The videos are amazing working with so many breeds and animal species. What a gift especially to all the rescue organizations. I truly believe this can change the world for humans and animals. The healing starts with the human for sure.
I have used the technique with a couple of my horses who have had high anxiety with trailer loading. Not only does it cause me to slow down and be more aware of the horse and be able to rate their level of anxiety, but it proves you don't have to run the horse around to gain control. It has taken a few sessions, but trailer loading has become a much less stressful and easier endeavor.
I also used it to help one of the horses accept feet trimming more easily.
Much appreciation for these teachings and hope to continue on and learn more.

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