What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Lisa Le Roy

I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. thank you so much for all the videos and the amazing insights. I have worked with the body, mind spirit and soul of humans for many years, starting out as a personal trainer, going into rehab and manipulation and alignment, hands on, then energy work with Reiki and quantum touch and realignment hands off / distance healing. I know how powerful energy can be, but to put the stepping stones into place and learn trust. peace. persistence and patience in such an easy technique is amazing and game changing for owners of animals.
Whenever I see people having difficulties with their pets I want to jump in and explain all about the Trust Technique.
Unfortunately I lost my cat during this course. She was very nervous but by following the steps and creating the place of peace she started to change and became so much more confident around people she didn't know. Thank you so much James and to all your team.

Harriet Thiele

I have enjoyed this video course immensely. It is so impressive to see, that something so seemingly simple as the present moment can have such a profound effect on our animals, helping them overcome difficult moments in their lives... and help their caretakers at the same time, too. It also goes to show, what I've always felt when I observe people interacting with animals: If there are problems, it's mostly the humans that need to learn and not so much the animals... The Trust Technique is a wonderful tool for this and I would love to see people treating their animals with this kind of regard and care always and everywhere. So I want to be part of this and spread the message. I am keen to keep learning in the practitioner's and the animal communication course.
Thank you, Shelley and James, for making this wonderful method accessible to everyone!


I've been a dedicated meditator and spiritual seeker for over 30 years and I can say that this technique is one of the most extraordinary healing and spiritual practices I've ever witnessed or been a part of. What is so amazing is that the effects are visible and almost immediate. One could say that it is an example of an objective spiritual science.

My wife and I share our home with 5 cats, all rescues, one of whom is quite ill at the moment. The Trust Technique has already been such a huge help to all of our cats and has helped me and my wife as well. I truly believe that as I deepen my practice, I am changing the world for the better in the most concrete way possible-- by changing the field of energy between myself, our animals, other people and all living things.

James is a true spiritual teacher in my opinion, whether he sees himself as one or not.

Alba Nadalin

The trust technique was exactly what I was searching for to deepen my communication with the animals. I already was working similar before but James and Shelley brought it to a next level. I was so impressed how much deeper I could go in the communication. I‘m so thankful to both of you, thank you for all the efforts do you made for giving us such a wunderful course. You‘re both amazing persons and the trust technique opened me such a lot of doors. Thank you ??

Alba Nadalin

The trust technique was exactly what I was searching for to deepen my communication with the animals. I already was working similar before but James and Shelley brought it to a next level. I was so impressed how much deeper I could go in the communication. I‘m so thankful to both of you, thank you for all the efforts do you made for giving us such a wunderful course. You‘re both amazing persons and the trust technique opened me such a lot of doors. Thank you ??