What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

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What do our current members have to say?

Alba Nadalin

The trust technique was exactly what I was searching for to deepen my communication with the animals. I already was working similar before but James and Shelley brought it to a next level. I was so impressed how much deeper I could go in the communication. I‘m so thankful to both of you, thank you for all the efforts do you made for giving us such a wunderful course. You‘re both amazing persons and the trust technique opened me such a lot of doors. Thank you ??

Alba Nadalin

The trust technique was exactly what I was searching for to deepen my communication with the animals. I already was working similar before but James and Shelley brought it to a next level. I was so impressed how much deeper I could go in the communication. I‘m so thankful to both of you, thank you for all the efforts do you made for giving us such a wunderful course. You‘re both amazing persons and the trust technique opened me such a lot of doors. Thank you ??


I have never come across anything as profound or inspiring as this. Seeing The Trust Technique in action leaves me in no doubt that I need to become a practitioner so that I can help animals and their people live more peaceful lives. My relationship with my own dog has developed to level I didn't think possible and I just want to share this amazing, beautiful , gentle method with everyone!


The Trust Technique has improved and strengthened my relationship with my very reactive dog . I finally realized that my emotional chaos at the time that I got Edgrr was funnelling straight into Edgrr's sensitive little 4-week-old brain, and that began an ever-increasing battle, he reacts to my emotional mess, then I react to his reaction, well you know the story. After 3 trainers, the last one using e-collar and check chains to control my out-of-control 6-month-old, the e-collar, I'm ashamed and mortified to say, was the only thing that would snap Edgrr out of his fugue state of excitement so he could finally learn. At one year, Edgrr tore his crucial ligament, and healing began, no surgery, using Conservative Management to control his movement. I can definitely attest to the difficulty in keeping a year old dog calm, no running, no physical high movement at all. Finally found TT and it has been invaluable, calming Edgrr into a deep healing sleep was very dramatic in his recuperation. We still have tons of work to do, but this beautiful form of communication has been pivotal in getting my boy to use his ramp to get in my jeep, calming him before friends come over, and most of all, the deep healing sleeplike trance he goes onto using the Trust Technique. I can see immediately when he wakes up, that his limp is practically non existent and we are starting on our first outdoor walks in 10 months. I am so enthusiastic about the Trust Technique, my friends are sick of me raving about Edgrr's and my little victories. I am even getting his nails trimmed without fuss, only one ot two at a time but I'm confident that next year at this time he will just hand his paw over for nail trimming. Most importantly, I will never use the ecollar on Edgrr again!
I am definitely pursuing my passion for TT and will be taking the practitioners course as well. Bless James and Shelley for all you do to help animals and humans across the world and for sharing your knowledge, and teaching us about this amazing and simple technique to improve and enrich all our relationships with our beloved animals, and people too. Thank you.

Evi De Weerdt

I have loved every second of this video course! And love that this is an super easy way to rapidly and consistently improve the lives of my many rescue animals here at home.

It's been a little over a week now that I've been using the trust technique and already my 2 dogs, who were previously at war inside the house, stopped being at each other's throat constantly. During the sessions, they have even started to share the bed they sleep on. Of course, when there is food involved, I still need to be careful, but even that has decreased. I'm currently working on establishing the invisible lead inside the house. Pretty soon I'll be able to start the invisible lead outside as well, which will hopefully help resolve my youngest dog's issues with his territorial behaviour towards them.

In the cats, the trust technique has less of an obvious effect. I apparently am not that good at reading cat behaviour... I always thought they didn't like each other, as they constantly hiss and fight each other. From the very first moment I started using the trust technique (just before bedtime, while laying in the bed), instead of having just 1 of them join me on the bed, I all of a sudden found myself surrounded my 4 out of 6 cats, all purring and snoozing together! Unfortunately, the 2 that need it the most, are the ones that seem to be reluctant to join in. I suppose it's a little too intense for them. But I'm sure, as long as I keep up regular sessions up, keeping their needs in mind, they too will join in shortly!

Thank you for sharing this lifesaving method!!

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