What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


A very good and informative matter, it is very helpful for everyday working with animals. Thank you very much.


Merci à vous d’être si généreux dans votre transmission. Ce cours est un moment de bonheur et une véritable révélation.
Mille merci

Thank you for being so generous in your transmission. This course is a moment of happiness and a real revelation.
Many thanks


I enjoyed to learn Trust Technique and to practice with my dogs. They are both rescue dogs and it was very helpful for them to release their negativity. But I think the most beneficial learning in this course was to realize how I feel influences the behavior of my dog and to learn to be in non-thinking state of mind. I am very lucky to find this course and I want to continue to deepen the relationship with my dogs using Trust Technique.


Life-changing for me and everyone around me


I enjoyed the video course very much and I think, your findings of the "present moment" and "mindful regard" are pioneer work of a similar importance as the work of Konrad Lorenz' (1903 - 1989) the ethologist and ornithologist, who discovered imprinting. While K. Lorenz's findings reflect the instinctual level of animal life, your findings explore a psychological level. (I am not including the spiritual level). I hope your work will be acknowledged in science. "Present Moment" and "Mindful Regard" reflect the basic concepts of all psychotherapies (from behaviourism to psychoanalysis). The sections of the video course, which are designed for humans are based on a behaviouristic approach. The fact that animals are able to heal themselves from traumatic experiences by reaching a zero-state of deep relaxation, which relates to their early infancy, is astonishing and well demonstrated and explained. Thanks for your perseverance, patience and precision.

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