What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Julia Carpenter

Mind blowing. Wonderful technique. So worthwhile to know when working with any animal. Thank you so much.

Diana Coward

I started the trust technique in 2020. It has taken a bit for me to work it through. It was a journey of a deeper understanding of myself and my animals and I didn't want to rush any of it. I had just completed my certification in dog training, and I was looking for a way to help anxious and aggressive dogs. Well, I got more than I bargained for in this program. I found a way to help my own anxiety & my dog's anxiety. With the benefit of a new option to help my clients, pet owners who were struggling to understand and work with their animals. This technique has been a complete catalyst of change in my own life. I hope I can eventually apply it to my business, so it can be the same stepping stone for my clients. I will be moving on to the practitioners
Thank you James, your development and teaching of this technique, has been so very valuable.

Christophe Vandewiele-Verkindere

Mooi,leerzaam, rust
Beautiful, educational, calm

Alison Laird

The Trust Technique video course is profoundly life changing. It is not only for the help and healing we can help facilitate for our animals but also for the deeper changes and conscious healing for people. I truly see this as a new way to help heal the earth. I hope one day it can be taught to children so that young generations learn how to communicate, respect and love all the animals on the planet.

Kate Muller

This course has literaly changed my life and my animal friends for the better! Its taken a while to slowly work through all the videos and integrate the subtle nature of how it works but the changes have been wonderful, graceful and surprising. I feel so peaceful, energized and happy from sharing it with the animals too. What I thought I was doing for animals, I realize has been equally for me. I am soooo excited to start the practitioners and share this grounded, loving and kind journey with others. Especially those people and animals who are highly sensitive and who experience empathy fatigue, this course has given me invaluable life skills and a much deeper grounded understanding of energy medicine. Thank you

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