What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Christina Hurst-Prager

This is life-changing, not only for animals and humans but for all life on the planet! The philosophy and practices impact us all; they bring consciousness to a new and very much needed height and will bring peace. Shelley and James should receive the Nobel Peace Price!


I am a student of Canine Behaviour Sciences and have found valued insights throughout this course. As a dog trainer, a label I hesitate to use, I absolutely find success in building trust as a primary pathway to living with companion animals. In fact, I'm so inspired by this course I couldn't wait to apply for the practitioner course, to which I foresee significantly changing my career with animals.

Thank you, James and Shelley!


Hello there,
as I am working with the Masterson Method we got taught to pay close attention to what the horse has to say to our doing. We have been asked to trust in our instinct and gut feelings and overtime the horses body language guided me most times through the session.
I learned with each horse how to communicate and what was important to them and that each of one of them were checking how much you pay attention to them.
But when I got into a deeper stage with them I was lost, I did know not to interrupt them in their process and this could go on for sometimes more then 30 min. ( This blow my bodywork session most of the time) I just knew it was good for the horse to let him sort it and wait until he comes out again.
But in this times I was in a grey zone of not know what I really was doing because that was not masterson anymore.
So I kept searching and the media of the internet and its algorithm guided me to TT.
Or you could say TT found me.
I did become a member of the TT video course and as I got along with the Course I knew I had to learn and understand it more to get a deeper understanding of the present moment and how to deliver a feeling without talking and much thinking.
The wonderful thing on TT is you can use it on "any living creature" and it works.

Rachel Frei Bandieri

Hi! I got interested in the Trust Technique last winter. The work we had been doing for one year with our adopted sledge dogs was paying off. They had already changed so much, were doing amazing with pulling the sledge, and their interactions with both humans and their fellow dog companions had improved dramatically (...) The results are extremely encouraging so far. Especially with the time that I or my husband have been able to work with the TT daily. Of course, we certainly would have seen much faster results if we had only one animal to work with. But it’s also very rewarding to work with all of them and see how they react, the dynamic, etc. And it has improved the fluidity of our animal-human intuitive communication - the dogs have really opened up.
We’ve already come such a long way! I can't wait to keep practising. Thank you so much 🙂


Since I saw the first video about the trust technique I was fascinated by this way of life between humans and animals. I watched all the videos with curiosity and stunning and my heart is deeply touched. I got a lot of wonderful connections and adventures with wild animals in my garden and with my own animals which are donkeys, ducks, a rabbit and a cat. Since 2 years I am working as an animal-assisted therapist and I would like to rise up my knowledge by learning the exercises in the practitioner course! I like the way of teaching like James does.

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