What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Lyn Found

The Video course switched the lights on for me. Having struggled with my relationship with horses and people it became clear that peace is the answer and that's why I am currently doing the Practitioner course and spreading peace whenever and where ever I can. It has changed the relationship between me and my horse, those around me and myself.

Erika Bear

This is the most rewarding education I have ever received. This course has been so thoughtfully put together as to cover absolutely any question imaginable in the world of animal healing. The wisdom passed on by James and Shelley is more valuable than anything I've learned in a classroom or from a book. Geniuses, they are!
I am so very grateful to be a part of the Trust Technique family and to have been given the benefit of the same principles as we offer the animals we are helping: Peace, Patience, Persistence and Purpose. It has been a long road for me, but because of these 4 things, I have been able to work through my own blockages, continue on the path of learning, and to feel confidence in the gifts I have to share.
Feeling incredibly blessed. Thank you James and Shelley xx


Coming across the Trust Technique and this course was like finally finding the way of relating to animals I had been searching for my whole life. So many previous "training" methods left me feeling uncomfortable and sad, as if I were betraying the animal and myself. Here, finally, a golden door opens.
The course is well constructed and thorough. The explanations of how to use the present moment are clear and easy to follow. The exercises for humans have proved invaluable to me in my challenging life circumstances. Watching James work with multiple animals of various species is SO helpful. The repetition builds it solidly into your brain, and helps you gain a real subtlety and awareness in how you see the animal and its reactions. Each animal shows up a little bit differently.
I recommend this highly to anyone who owns, trains, or cares for animals. Actually, if you're a human being reading this, learning this technique just for yourself is well worth it.


First of all, it is wonderfully prepared, extremely rich in content and absolutely professionally constructed. The trust technology itself is the right way into the future and will finally steer people's consciousness in the right direction without dominance and fear. An enrichment for this world ! Thank you !


I have found my life's purpose. I am going to be a Trust Technique Practitioner and help animals and their people. And I am sure I will go on learning after that and be a coach if possible.