What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


I have loved horses all my life. I did not have my own horse until I was 19 but I would jump at the chance to be with anyone's horse if they would let me. I loved every horse movie and read every book I could about horses and about adventures with horses. After many many years, my husband and I have horses of our own, on our own horse property, a fulfillment of a dream. Although I have come off lots of horses over my life, it wasn't until 6 years ago that I suddenly became really afraid of getting hurt and almost gave up on having a relationship with horses. The gift of this event is that I started seeking a new relationship with horses. I hungered for a way to create an authentic partnership and to understand them, to hear what the horses have been saying to me forever. After a personal disappointment, another gift presented itself as, I found James French and the Trust Technique. I bought the messages of Trust and wept through every video, knowing that I had found someone who could help me listen and speak with my horses in the way that I had always longed for. The powerful Messages of Trust only whet my appetite and I purchased the Trust Technique Course and began to practice the Trust Technique with my dog and my two horses. It has changed everything with my animals. This practice has changed me from the inside out. I am a better human for me, other humans and for animals. On the journey, I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life learning and practicing the art of relationship using the Trust Technique in my Coaching Practice with Horses, Animals and Humans. I applied to become a Trust Technique Practitioner and I am loving the learning process. The Trust Technique is truly helping meet to know how to create an atmosphere where Trust and Confidence reigns. I am forever grateful.


I've completed the video course for the third time. The information is invaluable and I learn something every time I re-watch a video. As a perennial student, wanting to know everything about everything, I realise the more I know, the more I don't know. I'm very grateful for all the hard work and dedication, not only from James and Shelley, but also from the carers of these beautiful animals large and small.

Gwen Kuyps

Dear James and Shelley,
The way you are helping animals and their owners is on such a deep, deep level. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. This matter is not easy although you make it look and sound very simple. Learning to hold space for an animal/individual, learning to go at their pace, learning to stay in a state of non reaction and peace ..... Such beauty... THANK YOU

Nicoline – Practitioner

The video course is really great. While watching I cried and laughed and learned. Learned a way to build a peaceful and understanding relationship with my animals. They now feel very trusted with me and they now also calmly tell me if they agree or disagree with something. That makes me feel great, but maybe even more so for them. I did not hesitate for a moment to move on to become a Trust Technique Practitioner.


What a journey!
I started the TT VideoCourse to help my dog who had a lot of issues and It worked more than I expected. She is now more relaxed, connected and learned a lot: to walk in the city without barking at bikes, cars and buses, to sleep at night without needing to be in charge and control of all the neighbourhood, Gosh it’s so good to sleep all night without any barking! And son on… But the best is our relationship which is deeper, trustfully and cooperative. We’re still learning and progressing together.
And for me, it is a new way to be deeply connected to nature and all the living beings and opened to new perspectives. Thank you so much!