What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Susanne Neubauer – Practitioner

I still love watching every single video. Each time new details unfold. Each time the depth of animal wisdom gets clearer. Thank you James and Shelley for this new (old) world. And yes, life has changed.


My life has changed because I now have the relationship with my animals that I have always wanted. At last I can communicate to them what I want from them and can listen to them and hear them and their fears and their concerns and their "NOs". I understand them now and can show them about the world -that is a human-dominated world through which they must find their way- in a language that they understand. It is still work in progress but work I love doing and they do, too.
P.S.: As a teacher I know when teaching is good or bad. The form of teaching the world about communicating with animals and helping them, created by James French and his team, is outstandingly good. Period.


I cannot put into words the profound benefits on all levels this course has and continues to give me. I am so grateful to have found James, Shelley, Olga and Josh and the Trust Technique. It is a life changing practice to help people and animals and to help heal the planet. It supports reconnection ecology in a beautiful, kind and authentic way. It offers me a way to inform my painting practice through deeper connection experiences with animals and offers me a wonderful new platform for others to step in to. The online course are brilliantly put together and user friendly. The support and backup is unexpectedly personal and efficient. I cannot say enough in support of this practice. At another level the people who engage in the Trust Technique are part of a tribe that I want to belong to. James and Shelley your vision is profoundly important today. Thank you all from my heart.


This course is amazing. I have a dog reactive dog with whom I have tried everything over the last 3 years including behaviourists, counter conditioning, desensitization, other programs, the list goes on and on.
I found and enrolled in the TT Video Program in late February and our relationship has changed ( I have changed) profoundly. We are so healed as a team that I am now enrolled in the Practitioner Program . In only 3 months we have gone from not being able to walk in our neighbourhood and dog fights, to going anywhere we want together without concern. She even received her Canine Good Citizen Title through the American Kennel Club this week! Our relationship is what I been dreaming of and the Trust Technique was the answer we were searching for for our entire family. Thank you so much!!


It did change my life with my horses, cats, ducks and chicken ! I'm eager to learn more !

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