What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?


The course was absolutely brilliant. It has significantly deepened my relationship with animals, especially my pets. This experience has fueled my desire to work exclusively with animals, and I am now eager to pursue further education in the Trust Technique.

James French, the instructor, provided excellent explanations in all the videos, making the learning process both enjoyable and insightful. I am incredibly grateful to have learned this technique, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their connection with animals.

Overall, this course has been a transformative journey, and I look forward to continuing my education in this field.

Diane Gould

The video course is Life changing and enhancing for myself and all the other beings I am grateful to have in my life.
James and Shelly you are inspirational and your grace and love shines through, also thank you to the TT team behind the scenes.
I am so looking forward to starting the Practitioner course in June.
Many blessings Anum Cara
Diane X
The picture is of my darling Alfie Pony and his best friend Boy Boy the Ram who very sadly left us a few weeks ago.?


This course has taken about 5 months to complete. It has been one of the most profound learnings of working with animals that I have ever taken, Animal Reiki being another. I started grooming a new horse (to me) in January. Her guardian was concerned she was unhappy as she’d had a difficult past and her last owner of 6 years couldn’t keep her any longer. She’s about 14. What this course has taught me is to be patient &, persistent in being peaceful with myself and her. I no longer put pressure on her to meet my expectations- I just keep using the present moment technique and hope for a breakthrough of her trusting me, and me trusting her. I truly wish every animal guardian, or anyone responsible for an animal’s well being knew about this modality. It even works in personal relationships. I am beyond grateful to James & Shelley and everyone involved in getting this teaching out there.


The Trust Technique is one of the best things I have learned in my life. I am a Reiki teacher and Theta Healing practitioner. While those modalities are great within themselves or in combination, I always felt something was missing. Now I found the missing PEACE!
For 30 years, I have had animals and have been involved in rescuing cats, dogs, and wildlife. I wish I had known what I now know earlier. (...)
As a next step, I would like to take the practitioner course. (...)
James, Shelly, and the rest of the team, thank you so much for putting that course together. I can only imagine the work and hours that went into painstakingly cutting and editing the footage, putting together the course, and breaking everything down into small, comprehensible steps for us to learn. I think I'll start the course all over again ….
Much Love and Light


Hi my name is Kim, I am a riding instructor and immediately started using the trust technique with my lesson horses. One in particular had started spooking with riders who were hesitant(which most beginners are). I think the hesitation feeling made the horse so uncomfortable it caused him to bolt, the last thing you need with a horse that gives lessons. I started his retraining with what I had learned in the course even though I had just started the course. The horse quickly learned how nice it felt and it would only take seconds for him to go into present moment. I would even use present moment when I was riding if I felt tension in him. Stetson, the horse, is back to giving lessons and if he gets nervous we do a bit of present moment and go on with the lesson. I don't think without Trust Technique I could have gotten Stetson safe enough to let beginners work with him like I have. I am truly amazed how this technique calmed this horse down. This course is a game changer for my lesson and training program! Sincerely Kim

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