What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Amy Prange

I am currently studying Lesson 14 and Mr. French mentions how the Trust-Technique reaches people!! I'm excited to get to that part of the training.

Many Thanks and Blessings

Carla Stach

❤️❤️ i feel myself much more strong beimg im the moment just now!! Such a nice teaching!!❤️❤️????????????????


Brilliant course. Has helped me to such a large degree with many things but the highlights have been
1) with treating a nasty wound in an unhandled filly. Helping her be peaceful so she would her stay lying while I treated and bandaged her wound when she had never been touched before. Such a treasured moment.
2) helping a foal (being treated for osteomyelitis) be peaceful through his rather lengthy treatment process. Many beautiful moments with His Mum and him. He cast himself one night and while I was trying to pull him clear, he indicated that he wanted to be rolled so I rolled him, he stayed peaceful throughout the process.

Amy Prange

This technique works so well with our newly gelded four year old pony stallion!!! Thank you!!!

Robin Gionette

Hello...I am so enjoying this course...I can't seem to find enough time to do it...I spend every spare moment I have continuing....I completely agree with the principles and the method of kindness and trust VS. fear and dominance....so I asked Creator to help me do this in a kind way.....and your advertisement appeared as I was watching some horse training youtube....thank you for all you do for the animals. I look forward to going onto the next course to be a Practioner.....Blessings to both of you and your team.

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