What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Beverly Spencer

This video tutorial is fabulous. It explains the trust technique in a manner that is digestible, easy to understand and shows the profoundness of the technique.
There is repetition, though only to teach and it is not too much as to seem redundant. I have anew awareness of worldwide animal welfare situations that I did not have before! I have learned so much that I want to delve deeper and have applied for the Practitioner Program.
I am now peaceful, my dogs are peaceful and our home is a wee sanctuary of it own. I hope to be able to share this feeling and content with folks who long for a better way.....a more understanding more peace filled life.

Well done James, Shelley & Team.

Gaia Richards

My sister, a horsewoman in Minnesota, bought me the first three intro videos as a gift. She had been taking the Virtual Series and I could begin to see the difference in her and her animals. I am a dog trainer in Santa Fe and just begun the virtual series but already feel that my relationship with the animals and their humans will take a wonderfully different trajectory now. I'll keep you posted.


This course should be taught in schools. Not only would the pupils learn better but their teachers would teach better too. The peace and gentleness delivered by The Trust Technique would benefit the whole world on a Spiritual level, affecting both the human race and the entire animal kingdom, giving us deeper understanding, mindful regard and appreciation for everything that lives. I have done many courses over the years but none can compare in anyway, shape or form to this one. It is unique.... and I am so very grateful to have found it.

Barbara Angier

I have a Border Collie - 14 yrs old - Still very high energy. So this Trust Technique with Shep was informative and familiar. This lesson gives me inspiration to work with my own Border Collie. I love this Technique. It is so gentle and loving.

Cathy Olsthoorn

My daughter Cathy bought this course for me, so her name is mentioned above.I am extremely happy with the Trust technique videocourse. For me it was like finding "the missing link" in my relationship with animals. (horses, dogs cats). Sometimes the right things happened, but I could not explain it. Neither did I find these answers with the so called whisperers. (Well, now I know thatis too loud either:) .) The course works in a nice way. You can learn and practice step by step. The video.s shows you the Trust Technique with al kind of animals, owners, environments and problems. The only regret I have is: why didnt I find the Trust Technique not years and years ago. Thank you for sharing this technique. It will benefit so many humans and animals. Wil.