What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Melanie Drinkwater

Brilliant! Just Brilliant. Thanks for everything. ???????????????????? Very inspiring.

Caroline Sherwood

It was watching Anna Breytenbach communicating with a black leopard that alerted me to what is possible in this territory. Since small, I have had good relationships with animals and talked to them freely (and sometimes silently), but being able to decipher the specifics of what they communicated back has never been as highly developed in me as I saw it in Anna. The person who recommended Anna to me, also recommended your work, and I'm so grateful to have found this course.
I really appreciate (and am enjoying) the user-friendliness and flexibility of the facilities (such as the notetaking function).
I think this course should be part of the required curriculum in every school in the country!
I love the blend of information, video footage with animals and practical exercises.
I fill with tears, and then I grin, every time I watch one your videos. Feeling the tangible relief in each horse at it flops down beside its quietly loving human listener.
I do not live with an animal at present. If I did, it would be a cat, but 'pets' are not allowed where I live. (The attached photo is of a late great feline friend, Rupert).
So learning is for me for now and to share with my next new animal companion in the future.

Lindsay Barker

Animals have been the focus in my life as long as I can remember. I have always felt a bond with all creatures and now I know why. This explains a lot of encounters both good and bad that I have had in my past with my animal friends. I look forward to learning so much more, and what I find is so amazing is that most of it is about me learning, not the animal as I have always thought!

Nicole Kutter

The TT is what i was ever searching for.... a method without dominance.
Everyone tells, you have to be the leader, the boss etc.... But that was just not me.
A lot videos from the course touched me deebly. Its such a gentle language - i really love it!
Its a great enrichment for live in every respect.


Marian Davies

I am only a short way through the course. However, I have gone from thinking, "what have I done, all those units with sub-units, have I committed to climbing Mt Everest, how can I cope with all this?" to thinking that Trust Technique should be mandatory training for all aspiring vets as well as those who have been practicing for years, along with their staffs! Owners should all be grilled on how to do it too! What I have seen so far is absolutely amazing.

I have long 'whispered' to my cats over the years and especially when I was away from home, at work, or on holiday but I didnt feel that I could really 'hear' their response and was a bit skeptical that they might actually have understood my message. I am just coming to that bit in the course; how I wish I had known about all of this years ago!

I am happily working my way through and feel confident that I will finish it, something I've not been too good at with other commitments lately! I have also found that it is good for me personally as my 'stuff' is being sorted as well as my learning how to sort pet problems.

I havent yet fallen asleep at James' feet but do feel pretty sleepy sometimes, but then I am looking at the videos at home not in person!

Thank you for all the work you have done, and the way the course is structured makes it easy to do.