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It is really amazing to me what we can achieve when we practice the present moment.
Yesterday I worked with my cat and to day also with my horse.
First story about my cat:
As i wrote already my cat has ben injured and I just can´t get her to a doctor in a cave and car. So I bought a really big one for dogs and where she can´t get more injuries. I tried to get in the present moment just to help her not getting so wild. But it was so difficult for me to came down my self. And it happened that she some how was able to open the zipper of the cave and all of a sudden she was next to me in the car. And also down at my feet. Uh I had to turn aside it was too dangerous to keep on driving. Then I calmed down myself and told her, listen this was just a little ride and we will go home now. At this moment I stoped thinking and she sat on my lap and looked out of the window and we drove home like that. And at home after she went outside and had something to eat she went asleep in her scratch tree and I saw her back leg in firmly. Then I again practiced the PM and then I started to do feldenkrais (I learned thin in swisserland during one year of teaching) and I realized that also when I do feldenkrais with animals I have to get into the PM. And my cat started to release her pain und also her leg. So with the PM I was able not only to help her with her leg I could also help her to release her drama, when she was put on the street as a baby and all alone. Today I gave her feldenkrais again starting with the PM. And as I learned from the course I had to prove my thoughts. Wich was also not so easy. And I found out when it is a thought and when I started with thinking about a thought.
So next my horse:
Anton, he is stressed I think, because it must be stressful when you always look for food, no. That means he checks my pockets. And it not nice to be pushed just because he asks for a goody. So I said to my self why not try the PM and see what happens. It took me at least 20 min. He went back and forth he turned to the other horses and banged against the door auf our cleaning area. But once in a while he come towards me and asked again for a goody. I gentle pushed him aside. And he went away. I had to go back to the PM every time he came and went. But the interesting to me was that his ears always turned to me. And after some work he came on my side stayed there nice and quite without pushing me. I waited for a minute. I thought too long is not good. Just to keep this good moment for him. I just took the holster put it over his head, he was still standing and not bothering. And for my first time he went back with me to his place in the stable passing two haysacks and not one look to the hay. I could easily lead him on a lead rope. I was so happy and thankful. And then you won´t beliefe it all the other horses except the leader where sleeping on the ground. I though could that be that these horses enjoyed also what I did with mine?
And coming home I worked again with my cat. It is so wonderful to see and understand their questions and thoughts.
I found out when my cat tells me - please stroke me - and when she doesn´t want it. Getting to know that I also learned through the lessons with James when I should go back to the PM and leave the cat without stroking and when she starts asking for a stroke. And at the end she asked me to put my hand under her head and she let go and relaxed stretching her legs and yarning. And on the pic you can see that her leg is no more firmly tightened. I can only post one pic but next time you get the nice one of my horse. Because after I did the PM with him he also went back and relaxed.
Just wonder full. Thanks for sharing.

The trust technique has really opened my eyes how you can interact with animals on a deep level that does not include ideas of dominance and leader. My relationship with our dog has changed into mutual respect and understanding. I now see her as a being with species specific needs and little problems have relaxed. Thank you James and Shelley for teaching all animal lovers another way. And thank you very much for your generosity!

I have actually two testimonials.
1. my horse Anton. He was always testing me when I wanted to get his front hoof. And since I started to practice the present moment it changed a lot. Almost 9 out of 10 times he just lifts the hoof by him self. I just need to point at the leg and ask him if it is OK to take it and clean it.
2. my cat Lilli. She was a baby cat when she was found on the street alone by her self. A family took her home to Austria and there she stayed for one year. And then they had to give her away as their daughter became allergic to the cat. There are two subjects I am working on.
The first is her wilderness as she sometimes gets so exited on what ever that she just scratches me to hard.
and the second is, that she gets bitten by other cats quite often and the first time she didn´t allow me to get close to her at all. And just today she was injured again. And now she lets me get closer and closer. She also put her had into my palm of my hand. And then I started to practice the present moment after she wanted to lay on a different place. And it was so good to see her relaxing and stretching. Wanderful.

Yesterday, I applied James' s practice, delivering a message of love to my cherished dog, Yoghio, I was so much at pain to put to sleep a year ago. Yoghio was fifteen years old with generalized cancer of the bowels and under sedation. Yoghio was a black labrador type mixed with French Hound and Bas Rouge (sheperd). He was a wonderful companion very noble in temper and I had him with me since a puppy.
Well, I don't what to make of it but he visited me in my sleep: unmistakably him but with the brilliant black robe of his teens and without the white moustache of his later days. A pure moment of joy!

I am presently following the video course dealing with the necessity to work at the pace of the animal. My English is not that fluent that I can catch every bit of the verbal interchange. But thanks to the videos I get the overall feeling of what is being demonstrated plus the pleasure to watch how responsive to the technique the animals are.