Petra Rus

Works in person and online with Domestic and Large Animals Based in Ticino Bio: Animal-in-forma is a centre in the Southern part of Switzerland in…

Susanne Neubauer

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Northwestern Switzerland Bio:Nachdem ich als Tierkommunikatorin und Tiershiatsu-Therapeutin begonnen habe, mit Menschen und…

Joey Philips

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Elspeet, Netherlands Bio: Equine craniosacral therapy is my background, I have had my…

Sabine Spohr

Works in person and online with Large & Domestic Animals Based in Hessen, Germany Bio: GERMAN Als ich 2018 die Trust Technique kennenlernte, war ich…

Sabrina Mueller-Wuesthoff

Works in person and online with Domestic and Large Animals Based in Gauting, Germany Bio: The Trust Technique and a deep empathy for all living…

Mona Susami

Works in person & online with Large & Domestic Animals Based in Lahr Bio: Die Trust Technique® ist eine magische Methode, um eine noch tiefere…

Katja Essinger

Works in person and online with Large & Domestic Animals Based in Niedersachsen Bio: Als Pferdeosteopathin bin ich bei der Behandlung der Tiere  häufig an Grenzen…

Erdmuthe Podlech

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Neuendettelsau Bio: My name is Erdmuthe Podlech, I was born in 1966 and…

Christine Schickinger

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Munich Bio: Alongside my expansive corporate experience, I’ve always had a passion for animals,…

Charlotte Wetzel

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Berlin Bio: Wo finden wir Glück und Frieden? Mein bisheriges Berufsleben galt dieser…