Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for People with their Animals:

Trust Technique Practitioner

This qualification provides clear guidelines as to how to deliver The Trust Technique® effectively, safely and within the law whilst retaining the original essence of the technique for the ultimate benefit of animals and people.
This is a formal Ofqual regulated qualification (Level 3 Diploma).

Life is a journey of discovering your own authenticity

why should your work be any different?

Does your work make your heart sing?

Has the voice of doubt given you all the excuses you need to keep your working life as a means to an end? Maybe you are already working in the animal industry yet have a feeling that something is missing? Do you believe that there is more to learn regarding the animal/human relationship? Do you struggle to help the animal when you know it’s the owner’s process as well?

Helping people and their animals

Help people and thier animals find trust and confidence

Worldwide Learning

Detailed online learning, Ofqual regulated qualification

Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with their animals: Trust Technique Practitioner

What is the Trust Technique®?

The Trust Technique® is based on the theory that deepening the connection between people and their animals can transform the lives of both. It uses mindfulness as a basis for aiming to resolve problems for the individual and also for the animal. Although an individual may initially seek help for a problem with their animal, they often also benefit personally from using the technique.

When an animal or a person is over-thinking this can create emotional imbalances, making it more difficult to understand or connect with each other. This can have a negative impact on the relationship and ultimately may lower trust levels. Anxious over-thinking is one of the main causes for so called “behavioural problems” in both animals and people.

Daily practice of the Trust Technique® creates a  shared peace of mind – the opposite to over- thinking. In the first stages, this connection builds a core bond of trust and confidence in each other, which can then develop and extend to other areas of our lives. When the relationship shifts from fear to trust, over-reactions are replaced with instinctual learning.

This dynamic approach moves past the often hidden dominance between people and animals.  It does not objectify the animal but recognises the individual more as a sentient equal. The animal is regarded as an intelligent being, able to work together with a human in trusted cooperation. The reward is a more truthful understanding of the animals opinions and allows for communication that manifests in shared wellbeing.

What is a Trust Technique® Practitioner?

A Trust Technique® Practitioner holds a space of supporting people and their animals.  The aim is to help both be more peaceful in their lives by introducing a daily therapeutic practice. The Trust Technique® consultation delivers an integral structure of support while keeping within the laws and guidelines of professional practice. This qualification gives the practitioner the opportunity to be working with people and their animals within a number of different scenarios, to create both physical and emotional healing.

Becoming a Trust Technique® Practitioner is part of the growth and future of this pioneering approach to the animal/human connection and social care.

Online Learning Platform

This online Ofqual recognised qualification, has been designed to give you the optimum learning experience and provides a range of teaching resources including; video tutorials, audio seminars and written materials. It also provides access to The Trust Technique® Members’ chat rooms and webinars.

James will share his knowledge and practical application, in the most detailed way possible, showing how The Trust Technique® can be applied with all animals, using examples of video footage, (filmed from around the world), whilst on his travels with his partner Shelley.

This Level 3 Diploma provides a simple to use but sophisticated online learning platform, designed to enhance your knowledge of the principles of The Trust Technique® and provide significant opportunities to apply this knowledge through practical experience. As a learner, you will also be equipped with a set Trust Technique® Consultation Structure, to enable you to share what you have learnt with clients; safely, legally and effectively.

Finally, the social functions of this course will allow learners to connect to other Trust Technique® learners and Practitioners, helping you to grow within a purposeful community as well as providing additional support for you as you embark on your new career as a professional Trust Technique® Practitioner.

Learner Outcomes

On successful completion of the qualification, learners will be able to

  • Explain The Trust Technique® to an individual client
  • Outline The Trust Technique ®, including its history and context, to a group of potential clients
  • Describe the principles of Creative Reaction, Realisation Learning and Trusted Cooperation to a group of potential clients


  • Assess whether using The Trust Technique® is safe and appropriate in a given situation
  • Stay in the Present Moment when working with different animals, working at the animal’s pace, through use of Mindful Regard
  • Demonstrate Creative Reaction whilst working with an animal

The Trust Technique® Consultation Structure

  • Assess a Consultation situation to ensure that it is safe, putting extra controls in place if necessary
  • Assess whether the environment is conducive to the successful use of The Trust Technique®, making adjustment to timing and environment if necessary
  • Keep appropriate records of the Consultation including client details and feedback forms

The Trust Technique® Consultation

  • Demonstrate the impact on the animal’s behaviour using the Present Moment
  • Explain observed responses of the animal during an intervention using the Present Moment
  • Support a client in entering and staying in the Present Moment
  • Support a client in their understanding and application of the Present Moment, at their animal’s pace, using Mindful Regard
  • Follow up a consultation appropriately, with a call or a follow-up session

The Trust Technique® in Public Practice

  • Conduct a Trust Technique® consultation safely and within the legal framework of the UK
  • Communicate with other professionals within the legal framework of the UK
  • Explain the requirements of the Welfare Act as relevant to the practice of The Trust Technique®
  • Promote their own practice professionally and effectively in line with Trust Technique® guidance

Self-Development in the role of Trust Technique® Practitioner

  • Know how to maintain their own knowledge of relevant current developments of The Trust Technique® and how to seek  further support for the development of their own professional practice

For full details of this qualification, please refer to the Qualification Specification:

Qualification Benefits

This qualification delivers several benefits to its graduates including the knowledge and experience to enable you to; 


  • Support your clients and their animals in building trust and confidence, by developing deeper, more peaceful relationships, to help resolve problems
  • Support your clients in helping them to create a healing space for their animals and themselves
  • Support rescue centres and similar organisations; their staff and animals; on a one-to-one basis
  • Educate others through presentational talks
  • Utilise The Trust Technique® in your own workplace or in your own professional practice
  • Develop your professional career further (as there is a growing need, for those working in formal organisations, e.g. charitable, educational or private); to be suitably qualified with relevant, accredited, industry and demand-led, qualifications
  • Establish a good level of public professional practice, demonstrating an awareness of both the legal and ethical context of your practice
  • Become part of a professional community of Trust Technique® Practitioners, with access to ongoing support and information to allow for your continued professional development (CPD)
  • Develop your own professional offer, supporting the health and well-being of people with their animals, in a direction that is more explicitly Mindfulness led.


  • Benefit from the mindfulness techniques learnt, helping you to restore your own balance and peace and deepen your own relationships with others
  • Develop your own internal understandings of the relationship between people, animals and the possibilities it creates
  • Develop your own skills, experience and knowledge in use of The Trust Technique®
  • Progress further with The Trust Technique® in additional qualifications at an advanced level
  • Grow and engage in learning

For full details of this qualification, please refer to the Qualification Specification:

The Qualification

This Level 3 Diploma is designed to teach you the necessary steps to enable you to become a fully qualified Trust Technique® Practitioner, so that you can help both animals and people find confidence and trust, within a practice of mindfulness.

Qualification duration

Dependent on how much time the student can commit to the qualification. Two examples below, which include the maximum and minimum time for completion.

2 years part-time based on 4.5 hours per week

6 months full-time based on 18.3 hours per week

Once qualified the Trust Technique® Practitioner will continue to be supported in their on-going professional development (CPD), via The Trust Technique® website’s social media functions, which includes regular webinars, chat rooms and access to new content.

The qualification will:

  • Introduce you to the history and essence of The Trust Technique®;
  • Develop your knowledge and understanding of the key principles of The Trust Technique®;
  • Equip you with the skills to be able to describe The Trust Technique® on a one-to-one basis or publicly to a group;
  • Provide the significant opportunity for gaining personal experience in use and essence of The Trust Technique® working with a range of animals;
  • Introduce you to the set Trust Technique® Consultation Structure;
  • Provide you with the skills and confidence to follow the Consultation Structure with a client;
  • Support you within a social learning environment;
  • Provide opportunities for self-development as a learner;
  • Provide opportunities to develop your public practice (once qualified); safely, legally and effectively.

Important note:

For teaching and assessment purposes, learners will study and be assessed on the following:

For the Domestic Animal category- Learners will study and demonstrate working with dogs to qualify for all animals in the domestic category.

For the Large Animal category – Learners will study and demonstrate working with horses to qualify for all animals in the domestic category.

Qualification Entry Requirements

In order to be eligible to apply for the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for People with their Animals: Trust Technique Practitioner, you need to:

  • be over 18;
  • have a reasonable standard of written English. i.e. an IELTS score of 5 where English is not your first language (or equivalent);
  • have an appropriate amount of experience with animals;
  • have completed The Trust Technique® application and recruitment processes;
  • have completed The Trust Technique® Video Course;

Please note: This video course is the Foundation programme for the Trust Technique®. The videos and tutorials, clearly describe, in a simple to use way, how to carry out The Trust Technique® with animals that you are responsible for.

Your understanding and practical application of the key teaching points shown in the video course, are essential if you wish to successfully advance to the next level of The Trust Technique® Practitioner.

Assessment Requirements

Assessment details

This qualification is assessed through a portfolio of evidence. The learner will meet all learning outcomes in the module before they can be awarded that module


For teaching and assessment purposes, learners will study and be assessed on the following:

For the Domestic Animal category- Learners will study and demonstrate working with dogs to qualify for all animals in the domestic category.

For the Large Animal category – Learners will study and demonstrate working with horses to qualify for all animals in the large animal category.

  • Dogs (if enrolled onto Module 5A – Domestic Animals) or;
  • Horses (if enrolled onto Module 5B, Large Animals), or;
  • Dogs and Horses if enrolled in both Module 5A and 5B.

Assessment tasks will include:

  • A 20-minute video presentation on The Trust Technique®
  • 24 Gaining Experience sessions with 4 different animals (that are not yours).
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5A (Domestic Animals) – you will be carrying out 6 sessions with 4 individual dogs.
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5B (Large Animals) – you will be carrying out 6 sessions with 4 individual horses.
  • 24 sets of Gaining Experience paperwork for each of the modules you are enrolled on.
  • 10 sets of Consultation paperwork (working with a client and a client’s animal).
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5A (Domestic Animals) – you will carry out 10 Consultations with a client and the client’s dog.
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5B (Large Animals) – you will carry out 10 Consultations with a client and the client’s horse.
  • A one hour video of a Trust Technique® Consultation.
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5A (Domestic Animals) – the video will be with a client and the client’s dog.
    • If you are enrolled on Module 5B (Large Animals) – the video will be with a client and the client’s horse.
  • An example letter to a rescue centre
  • A one-page essay relating to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, The Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Data Protection Act 1998
  • Self-assessment and reflective activities
  • Self-development activities, related to the knowledge gained from the reading of 5 set books

Full details of assessment tasks will be provided once successful enrolment onto the qualification has been confirmed.


Qualification duration

Dependent on how much time the student can commit to the qualification. Two examples below, which include the maximum and minimum time for completion.

2 years part-time based on 4.5 hours per week

6 months full-time based on 18.3 hours per week



Learners will be awarded a Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness for people with their animals – Trust Technique Practitioner; once our Awarding Organisation (Crossfields Institute) and their External Quality Assurance Team have confirmed that a learner has successfully met and achieved all of the requirements for this award.

For full details of this qualification, please refer to the Qualification Specification:


One Animal (Domestic or Large)

One Simple Payment

Domestic Or Large Animal
£ 2,250
  • Qualify for Domestic or Large Animal
  • One payment
  • PayPal, credit card or bank transfer
  • Up to 2 years to qualify (part-time)
  • The choice to take second animal category after qualifying for the first +£500

Payment Plan

Domestic Or Large Animal
£ 2,350
  • Qualify for Domestic or Large Animal
  • Initial payment £1,175 Credit card only
  • Followed by 6 monthly payments £195.83 (£100 admin fee included)
  • Up to 2 years to qualify (part-time)
  • The choice to take second animal category after qualifying for the first +£500

Both Animal Categories (Domestic & Large)

One Simple Payment

Domestic & Large Animal
£ 2,750
  • Qualify for both Domestic and Large Animal
  • One payment
  • PayPal, credit card or bank transfer
  • Up to 2 years to qualify (part-time)

Payment Plan

Domestic & Large Animal
£ 2,850
  • Qualify for Domestic or Large Animal
  • Initial payment £1,425 Credit card only
  • Followed by 6 monthly payments £237.50 (£100 admin fee included)
  • Up to 2 years to qualify (part-time)

Qualification Duration

Dependent on how much time the student can commit to the qualification. Two examples below, which include the maximum and minimum time for completion.

2 years part-time based on 4.5 hours per week

6 months full-time based on 18.3 hours per week

Please note:

All learners will be required to complete video assessments and will, therefore, need to have access to a device such as a GoPro action camera (or similar) to record their own sessions and consultations.

Filming equipment is not supplied by The Trust Technique® Centre and as such is not included in the qualification fees stated above.

Intake Dates

We have four registration/intake dates per year for the online level 3 diploma.

Intakes Dates Places Registration
2019 Autumn
Places Still Available
Please fill in the application form below selecting this date
2019 Winter
Places Still Available
Please fill in the application form below selecting this date

Application Form

Application Form

It is an honour and a pleasure to share my life’s work with you. I believe there has never been a better time to help animals and people. My technique focuses on the importance of a peaceful relationship; breaking down forced limitations and inspiring new and exciting possibilities. The animal/human connection, when enhanced through trust and confidence, contains a beauty that changes both animals’ and people’s lives forever. Experience, learn and share – be global pioneers of positive change.

Questions & Answers

The qualification was graded by Ofqual as a Level 3 diploma- the duration of the qualification is 440 hours

Qualification duration

Dependent on how much time the student can commit to the qualification. Two examples below, which include the maximum and minimum time for completion.

2 years part-time based on 4.5 hours per week

6 months full-time based on 18.3 hours per week

however, there is an extension policy for an additional time if a learner requires.

The Trust Technique works with all animals. We have created 2 categories based on the learners animal experience. The domestic animal is those that are living in a home, for example, dogs cats rabbits etc.. Large animals include horses, farm animals and captive animals.

For assessment purposes, working with dogs for domestic and horses for large animals. Mainly because they can be worked with on leads and halters, demonstrating this gives us the confidence that the Practitioner will be able to work with animals that do not need the lead or halter.

We do require that all learners have experience with each category that they will be working with. Horse experience for large animals and dog experience with domestic.

There are 2 ways that you can add the extra category to your qualification.

1 After completing one category we will be happy to extend your time to complete the second category (if you have the correct experience) After completion then we can qualify you for both categories. There is a £500 fee for the second category

2 Qualify for one category and then re-enter the content to complete the second category. This means that you have already been qualified for one and then you re-enter the qualification to complete the second category. This method means that you will be registering a second time and this requires a second application fee and course fee. This option would be for someone who may not have had the necessary experience for the second category when they first applied. Yet since that time now have the experience necessary for the second category. This will require a full re-registration including the fee plus the full course.

There are:

6x small A4 essays to complete

5 x books on our required reading list. These are books chosen that support the Trust Technique methodology and bring extra insights to the learner experience

1x 20 min video presentation describing the Trust Technique

6 x sessions for 4 animals in each category. If completing both categories then this is 48 sessions 24 with dogs and 24 with horses. These are Gaining your own experience and are sessions with other peoples animals (not teaching the owner)

10 x consultations for each category. If completing both categories then this would be 20 sessions 10 with dogs and 10 with horses. At this point, learners are working with both the human and the animal. We require the best sessions to be videoed and submitted to us as the final assessment.

Learners will need to video their consultations with the client and their animal. The camera will need to be able to record for over 1.5 hours, have good visual and audio.

We recommend Go Pro sessions and a chest strap, this allows the learner to wear the camera so that we can see the session from the learner’s view.

Having a good quality camera can really enhance your practice as you will also be able to take videos of those gentle touching moments and can be used for promotion of your practice.

Yes, assessments do need to be in English. If the learner is in a country that does not speak English, please find clients that can converse in English. Otherwise, the videos will need to be subtitled which would be a lengthy process for the learner.

We are very excited about having bilingual learners as the opportunity for them is huge! It maybe harder for assessments but after qualification it means that the Trust Technique can be delivered to a larger audience.

Yes, we are looking at the next level of qualification is one of a coach. This will be exploring the rehabilitation of both animals and people combined healing. There is a great need for this level of healing worldwide. We will be looking at qualified practitioners who are ready and willing to take the Trust technique to this next level.

This level 3 diploma is regulated by Ofqual, which is one of the leading qualification authorities in the UK. The UK has a well-deserved reputation worldwide for providing high quality and well-respected higher education.

The growth of the internet has enabled UK institutions to make information on their courses available to a global audience.

This growth and the need for more flexible provision, opening higher education up to a wider group of people means that many universities and colleges now offer their degrees through distance learning.

We have our own block scheme for any learners that are within Europe. We also have the membership for international insurance.

Yes we do the full details are above under pricing

Other Courses

Trust Technique Video Course

This is our foundation course that teaches you how to work with your own animals, building trust and exploring the deeper levels of the technique. With over 250 videos, including detailed tutorials and examples with horses, dogs, cats, lions and bears. This course is the pre-requisite for clinic attendees and Trust Technique Practitioners.

Trust Technique Clinic

This two-day in-person clinic shares the details of the 3 main principles of the Trust Technique. How we can work in a fresh new way with mindfulness between animal and people. Experience the Trust Technique animal assisted healing. How the advanced techniques have the potential to change the future of how we co-operate with animals.

Omega Week

This five-day event held at Omega NY. Learn the 3 main principles of the Trust Technique. How we can work in a fresh new way with mindfulness between animal and people. Experience the Trust Technique animal assisted healing. How the advanced techniques have the potential to change the future of how we co-operate with animals and ourselves.

Trust Technique I Have A Dream Day

This one day in person dream day shares the details of the 3 main principles of the Trust Technique. How we can work in a fresh new way with mindfulness between animal and people. How healing can take place with the Trust Technique animal assisted healing. How the advanced techniques have the potential to change the future of how we co-operate with animals.