Animal Communication

Discover these easy to use, tried and tested methods that open a new perspective on understanding an animal’s emotions.

Animal Communication Suite Upgrade

Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £79.00. (+VAT)



Understand how your animal is feeling

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This has been absolutely amazing. I thought for sure my head/thinking would interfere, even though I have a lot of experience in meditation.
But it was suddenly so easy. I did my first two communications „successfully“ and all my doubts have vanished. It’s as real as life itself. Now I am completely hooked.
On to the Trust Technique!
There aren’t enough words to express my gratitude. This makes the world a better place.

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I’m throughly enjoying this enlightening course, and will be putting it to a lot of use, starting with my own animals.

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Anna Zinonos

Thank you for this amazing course that embraces holism

Caroline Sherwood

This work is magical and should be part of every school curriculum.
The knowledge that we communicate with all our faculties and being and that this doesn’t require being present in the same physical time and space as the being (human or otherwise) with whom we are communicating is, thankfully, becoming more widely recognised.
Years ago I did regular distance healing and the TT has much in common with the skills required for that. James is a Master Teacher and I am so grateful for this accessible, practical approach, and to be including this work in my life.
I’ve just signed up for more cat sitting, so hope to share with many more cats, as well as continuing to practise with other animals at a distance, via the website. [The photo is some years ago of me with belovéd Rupert, now departed this life, but always remembered with love and great respect].

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Pam Walker

I have loved doing this course, but due to illness and other issues I have only just been able to complete the final session.
Thank you so much. I will be repeating the course just to refresh my memory and help consolidate the positive learning and build confidence.