Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members
Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,
The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives
Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂
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First of all, it is wonderfully prepared, extremely rich in content and absolutely professionally constructed. The trust technology itself is the right way into the future and will finally steer people's consciousness in the right direction without dominance and fear. An enrichment for this world ! Thank you !
I have found my life's purpose. I am going to be a Trust Technique Practitioner and help animals and their people. And I am sure I will go on learning after that and be a coach if possible.
Having learnt so much about the essence and application of The Trust Technique through this incredibly detailed and guided video course it gave me a burning desire to train as a TTPractitioner enabling me to share this incredibly powerful technique where we truly do come together in partnership with our animals. I hope that each and everyone watching these videos will feel that deep connection, a calling, whether it is to support your own relationship with your animal in this way or to take it to the next level and coach it. Either way, for every human that embarks on this journey it creates steps towards a compassionate, caring and beautiful co existence between humans and animals all over the world.
Thank you very much for this wonderful course!
It helped me understand animals (in particular horses and dogs) and their behavior much more. I already had the feeling that I wanted to have another contact to them in another "better" way and this course gave me the answer
I absolutely love this video course I have watched it at least 3 full times It is fascinating and watching the peaceful exchanges gives me hope for all the animals we encounter
Thank you
I love the simplicity and yet the effectiveness of the Trust Technique.
I found this course absolutely fantastic, well presented and highly informative.
Watching the videos, again and again, I was amazed by the care, attention, respect and great love given to the animals every time.
At some point, I started comparing James French with Eckart Tolle, the author of the bestsellers
"The Power of Now" and "A New Earth".
And I started to call James "the Eckart Tolle of animals".
With their teaching of Presence, Peace of mind, Patience and Perseverance, James and Shelley are really creating a New Earth.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely awesome, heartfelt course.
Thanks for the content in YOUR DIRECTION!
So essential to know where I should stay with my new learned knowledge and what could happen. Very good that I heard about that right at the beginning of my course.
Love, Maria
Very informative and fascinating course.
This proves once again that the solutions lie in the subtle sphere (the sense of unity and understanding lies in silence ...) and not in the rough sphere (of noise, screams, imposition).
I have a training in complementary therapies, in particular in Energetics and Craniosacral biodynamics, so this and other basic concepts of the course were already familiar to me.
But one thing here particularly struck me, the fact that we can cure the human through the animal; or rather both. Here in fact the person finds an additional stimulus to change attitude, having to work with his animal. In fact, not always by treating only the person, this one has the strength to change!
Another consideration: peace of mind is really necessary in relationships with one's animal. Too often people have a too emotional relationship with the animal, from which they have too many expectations or reflect compensations of all kinds, even thinking of mistaking an animal for a human being, replacing human relationships with it.
On the other hand, the peace of mind that gives true presence among living beings, should be more taught among people: to be with their children and understand them, with their partner, their family and in other relations of society. But it is good to know that by learning these techniques, to be present with your own animal, a person can then apply these techniques also to relationships between people.
What a wonderful and very valuable course!
Looking for tools for more confidence in general, I came across the TT on the internet. Here I find a simple way to help, both animals and people in my environment, to find more confidence. It is immediately applicable so I have been able to improve many situations with my horse at home. Just that they keep their heads still when putting on the halter, or give the deworming in a quiet and gentle way ... The general atmosphere has also changed as a result.
My own issues have also been given a chance to surface in a workable way.
So for me this is the course I was looking for (maybe for 30 years!) .
And I still want to learn more!
Thank you James and Shelley !
I enjoyed the course the first time i did it, but since it has been updated ... wow so informative and inspirational, and i pick up more every time i listen. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do and this beautiful resource.
I came across The Trust Technique through the gentleman who owns the land where I graze my horse here in New Zealand. I looked it up and watched the free introductory video. After watching that I knew I had found something special and enrolled in the course.
I have found the course so amazing it has changed my life and the focus of my life. I have the intention of completing the practitioner course and I'm excited about learning more about The Trust Technique and improving my skills. Thank you so much, James and Shelley.
Now I have done the video course 2 times (some parts 3 times) and realise that I am still learning new things. It could be because English is not my mother language or because the Trust Technique is triggering a dynamic process. Perceiving animals on a different level seems in my case to lead to a more intense self-perception, which certainly affects my entire life. .... a very exciting experience and challenge.
Thank you very much
The TT did not only meet what I had been dreaming of when I was a child but has a depth and a significance with animals which is mind-blowing and so much needed in the world today. Above all, it is a beautiful way of self-development which supports your daily challenges. The video is very professionally structured and installed. Very much to learn and every part is well explained. For me, as a German native speaker I enjoyed James speaking clearly and not fast. So therefore it was not exhausting to listen to the courses. Thank you for this beautiful, excellent and necessary work. Be blessed.
To be able to connect with all beings in such a gentle and loving way is a true gift. I feel honoured to be able to share it with my animal soul mate. Thank you Shelley and James, for sharing it with us xxx
The TT course is a brilliant way to watch firsthand how and why all the different elements of the trust technique are there.
The videos are gently paced and clear in their explanations and so even someone who has never had a personal session can still learn for themselves how to do TT for their own animals
The most amazing aspect of TT is how it works so well for so many horses ( and even humans!)
Thank you James and Shelley for this incredible course! It has taken me on an amazing and incredible journey, and I've been amazed at how animals respond. The Trust Technique (TT) is a revolutionary Technique years if not decades ahead of its time! Not only that, the principles are delivered in a clear and organized way, and the learning is incredible. I look forward to taking the Practitioner course, and to the time when I can bring peace of mind and healing to animals as a TT Practitioner.
James, you are right about this being the future for animal communication and training. It's difficult to imagine any other way, after seeing how efficient the Trust Technique is for communicating with animals. After Trying it with my animals and seeing how well they respond to it, I realise that any change has to be done at the animal's pace. For example, my dogs are very sensitive to having anything done to their paws and ears. However, by using Mindful Regard I was allowed to touch all paws and ears. That is a great start for them.
Like many other dog trainers, I have always had a thing for animals, particularly dogs. Some people call it an affinity, but no one really knows what the thing is. However, you've come along and took this thing and explored it; researched it; tested it; applied it and most importantly, gave the thing a name: The Trust Technique. Well done! I am definitely looking forward to being a practitioner.
I stumbled upon a commercial of the TT on youtube and was caught by it from the very first moment. I have a 17 year old Haflinger horse Anton whom I have since he was 6 months and I rescued him from the butcher. I also have a little sweet and wild cat Lilli that was found on the street by her previous owner. So I that there are some matters I would love to do the TT with both of my animals. And I started with Lilli the cat. As she had wild reactions and scratched me all over. Not because she was mean no, she was happy but over active and didn't know how to handle her energy as she was found as a baby without mom. And the more I did with present moment and mindful regard the better it was. And now she can play with me very wild still but she doesn't pull her claws any more. She is nice and soft with me.
Also my horse Anton. I did train him to lift his legs gently since he was a baby. But he love to pull the front legs away whilst I like to clean them or when the barefoot trimmer works on it. So I also did TT almost every time when I was with him, means between 4-5 days a week and I did TT first as James says in his peaceful place and then slowly I started in the cleaning area. I also told my barefoot trimmer what to do and we tried sometimes to chit chat next to Anton. Well he didn´t like that so I just told her not to speak with me whilst I do the TT next to her and Anton came down to level 2 I would say most of the time and she could do the hoof without any problem. And we are still keeping progress on that and other things I would like to work better in trust.
What can I say, I am just so impressed of what you and Shelly do with animals to help them and the owner. I can´t find words, it is a deep feeling that also helps me with the TT for humans. I want to thank you for that. Thank you for sneaking into my land my animals life. And I am looking forward starting with the coming up practitioner course. Thanks from my heart to you and your team too. You do a wonderful job for animals and humans. Best Christiane, Anton and Lilli