Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

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Posted on:
August 3, 2021

Fantastic course , I just loved it so much I gave gone through it 3 times and will be doing it again . Even though I'm a Trust Technique Practitioner , I still love watching the videos

Posted on:
August 1, 2021

The Trust Technique Video course has been so powerful and informative. I have spent many years gaining trust of the little chap in this picture who sadly lost an eye in a horrific dog attack before his rescue. We had progressed well together but the Trust Technique has helped him significantly. His original rescuers were amazed at the difference in his confidence when they last “inspected” us.

The Trust Technique has brought a sense of calm to me as well and a fabulous deepening relationship with my other beautiful horse too. Thank you so much. I am now going to immerse myself in The Practitioner Course.

Posted on:
August 1, 2021

The new format of the video course is just perfect, I often return to sections of the course for reference and reminders. This course is such a blessing for all the animals we work and live with. Thank you.

Clair Star
Posted on:
August 1, 2021

I’m going on to do practitioner course; love the structure and the teaching and learning involved.

Posted on:
August 1, 2021

I learned a lot watching the video course, it shows that the basics of the Trust Technique are really simple and they also show that using the TT needs a lot of practice to perform it really well and get the timing right. Therefore it's helpful that there is a lot of repetition

Posted on:
July 31, 2021

Excellent course. Changes in every way the way we consider and view animals. My relationship with my two horses has changed forever using the trust Technique. If ther is a problem, I now have the tools to correct in a very gentle and effective manner.

Posted on:
July 31, 2021

This is a whole new way at looking at animals in all areas; relationship, training, trust, communication, respect, etc. Animals are so intelligent, it's the human's inability to understand and communicate. We need to try harder and this course provides the tools. Excellent information presented in a very simple and interesting manner.

Has changed my relationship with my horses forever.

Anita Ingebriktsvold
Posted on:
July 31, 2021

What a wonderful course, thank you! 😀

Posted on:
July 31, 2021

This video course is amazing to say the least. I have watched the video stories over & over & each time I am able to pick up different things as my understandng & practice increases. This course also allows you to increase trust in yourself & that for me has been life changing

Amanda Robson
Posted on:
July 29, 2021

The video course has been great as I've been able to access the course as my availability permits. The combination of teaching approaches - audio and video has suited my learning styles. The skill and expertise of James and Shelley is just phenomenal and to see the positive impact of the Trust Technique on animals has for me, motivated me to sign up for Practitioner Programme. Thank you James and Shelley.

Posted on:
July 29, 2021

I Love the video's, very helpfull because its visual. Good to follow not to long and the explaining is very clear.

Linda McCoy
Posted on:
July 29, 2021

I've gone thru the video course twice and each time, you gather new information. It is put together so well and definitely keeps you coming back for more!

Posted on:
July 29, 2021

I have loved horses all my life. I did not have my own horse until I was 19 but I would jump at the chance to be with anyone's horse if they would let me. I loved every horse movie and read every book I could about horses and about adventures with horses. After many many years, my husband and I have horses of our own, on our own horse property, a fulfillment of a dream. Although I have come off lots of horses over my life, it wasn't until 6 years ago that I suddenly became really afraid of getting hurt and almost gave up on having a relationship with horses. The gift of this event is that I started seeking a new relationship with horses. I hungered for a way to create an authentic partnership and to understand them, to hear what the horses have been saying to me forever. After a personal disappointment, another gift presented itself as, I found James French and the Trust Technique. I bought the messages of Trust and wept through every video, knowing that I had found someone who could help me listen and speak with my horses in the way that I had always longed for. The powerful Messages of Trust only whet my appetite and I purchased the Trust Technique Course and began to practice the Trust Technique with my dog and my two horses. It has changed everything with my animals. This practice has changed me from the inside out. I am a better human for me, other humans and for animals. On the journey, I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life learning and practicing the art of relationship using the Trust Technique in my Coaching Practice with Horses, Animals and Humans. I applied to become a Trust Technique Practitioner and I am loving the learning process. The Trust Technique is truly helping meet to know how to create an atmosphere where Trust and Confidence reigns. I am forever grateful.

Posted on:
July 28, 2021

I've completed the video course for the third time. The information is invaluable and I learn something every time I re-watch a video. As a perennial student, wanting to know everything about everything, I realise the more I know, the more I don't know. I'm very grateful for all the hard work and dedication, not only from James and Shelley, but also from the carers of these beautiful animals large and small.

Gwen Kuyps
Posted on:
July 28, 2021

Dear James and Shelley,
The way you are helping animals and their owners is on such a deep, deep level. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. This matter is not easy although you make it look and sound very simple. Learning to hold space for an animal/individual, learning to go at their pace, learning to stay in a state of non reaction and peace ..... Such beauty... THANK YOU

Nicoline – Practitioner
Posted on:
July 28, 2021

The video course is really great. While watching I cried and laughed and learned. Learned a way to build a peaceful and understanding relationship with my animals. They now feel very trusted with me and they now also calmly tell me if they agree or disagree with something. That makes me feel great, but maybe even more so for them. I did not hesitate for a moment to move on to become a Trust Technique Practitioner.

Posted on:
July 28, 2021

What a journey!
I started the TT VideoCourse to help my dog who had a lot of issues and It worked more than I expected. She is now more relaxed, connected and learned a lot: to walk in the city without barking at bikes, cars and buses, to sleep at night without needing to be in charge and control of all the neighbourhood, Gosh it’s so good to sleep all night without any barking! And son on… But the best is our relationship which is deeper, trustfully and cooperative. We’re still learning and progressing together.
And for me, it is a new way to be deeply connected to nature and all the living beings and opened to new perspectives. Thank you so much!

Sheri Catron
Posted on:
July 28, 2021

What an extraordinary program! The video course demonstrates the Trust Technique in action with such a variety of animals in different situations. You can see for yourself that it works and how it works. I am a pet sitter and I have used the TT with the animals in my care. I have seen both quick results and how over time animals associate peace of mind with me. The depth of relationship you can build with an animal with the TT is limitless. I have always had great respect and love for animals. The TT has deepened both for me.

Posted on:
July 21, 2021

I have been using the trust technique with the four cats and twelve goats of my landlady. The cats have become very trusting and I have become close friends with one of them, the mother of the other three. In the beginning, she was very jumpy and would attack me if I touched her tail or other sensitive areas of her body. This behaviour has completely disappeared and she is very trusting by now, lying on my chest with her face next to my face, purring like a small engine and eating out of my plate, if she gets a chance. With the goats, I used the trust technique on several occasions, for instance when the young billy goat got castrated and was in great pain for over a week I used reiki and got present with him. I used it with the female goats during their pregnancies/deliveries and with the 7 baby goats to put them all to sleep. It was all very touching, as they would climb all over me and fall asleep on my lap as small children would. The trust I could build with all of them really helps also in everyday situations, when an animal gets stuck somewhere and I need to help to free them, they know that I'm here to help and won't hurt them. All of the goats are very tender and love being groomed or cuddled and they show exactly where they want to be petted and scratched. Unfortunately, my landlady brought the five male baby goats to the butcher before they were coming of age. This was rather heartbreaking for me and I told her that I don't want to be part of that in any way.

Posted on:
July 15, 2021

I have loved learning through watching the Trust Technique video course. I have practiced quite a lot on my own horses and found it to be not just beneficial for my horses but for me. I have 3 rescue horses, each with their own issues. Charlie was starved and didn’t enjoy being with people, he will do anything for you now and my 16yo daughter has backed him using only a rope halter and lead. He will make an excellent Therapy horse to go on to help adults and children with their issues.

Spud came to me as a project pony after he suffered a traumatic experience. He was a very angry pony, you could not touch him without him wanting to bite you. I used the TT and after a week he finally laid down and went into the deep sleep and released all his tension. All without touching! This was so very rewarding. The next day he was cured of biting and is working towards being ready to teach kids again.

My other horse Roxy was left to a guy in a will, he didn’t really want her but obviously felt obligated to look after her. He kept her with his sheep and fed her lots of oats and Lucerne hay in order to move her between grassy paddocks.
She is only 6 and looked more like a quarter horse than a stock horse because of her excess weight.
Her temperament has softened by using the TT and is now much more willing to co-operate without the use of food and is now a beautiful horse to be around.

Thank you for giving me the tools to be so in control of my feelings and to help my horses control theirs too and let go of past traumatic experiences and be happy again 🙂

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