Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

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Posted on:
December 14, 2020

Hi Team, I am beginning the Course and enjoy it! It is also very emotional.
I do practice too : today with a fly, that I rescued from yesterday drowning in my dogs' bowl of water. Today, the fly doesn't escape when I'm approching it and comes down on my hand to eat. AC helps too. Thanks a lot for sharing this course with me, as a member.
Bye, I have some more videos and tutorials to work an 🙂 Kind regars, Benedicte.

Mary Lynn Bastian
Posted on:
December 10, 2020

I thought this course would teach me about animals. But James French does so much more. He teaches us how to live with compassion and understanding with all scient beings. Be prepared to embark on a surprising journey of self discovery and healing to our world . Amazing work....

Helga Rachel Høgåsen
Posted on:
December 8, 2020

As a human being, I'm deeply touched by the message of hope this course gives: that loving kindness works, that it's enough, we don't need the harsh corrections. As a long-time animal lover, meditator and craniosacral therapist, I'm impressed by the way this course finds a way to extract the basics of the human-animal relationship that leads to trust, healing and learning, so that other people can obtain results through practicing simple steps. As a scientist, I'm impressed by the value of the documentation these videos represent, in so many different areas - trauma, mindfulness, connection, sensitivity, behaviour.... It's amazing. As a vet, I'm excited by its potential to heal chronic disorders where classical approaches fail. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And congratulations with a wonderful course!

Antoinette Moat
Posted on:
December 8, 2020

Waiting till after I have completed the course! The introduction videos were just wht I dreamed of

prisca willeit
Posted on:
December 8, 2020

wow, it truly works!
the big question i have is: how do i start to trust humans??? or should ever trust humans?

Posted on:
December 7, 2020

The best most worthwhile purchase I have made this year! Thank you James and Shelley

Charlotte Hammerin Lundström
Posted on:
December 7, 2020

This is absolutely amazing! Just what I need now. Now is the time for me.
James is very good and speeks in a way that is easy for me ( who is swedish ) to understand.
Love this very much!

Thierry Laure
Posted on:
December 7, 2020

I have just completed the sessions demonstrating the trust technique with Ares, the lion. and Bella and Grace, the horses. It's moving and beautiful to see how gracefully the animals are responding and how the staff of the refuges quickly interiorise the technique.

Posted on:
November 30, 2020

'The Trust Technique' (through this Video Course) and my 'Paddock Paradise' (Track System) are the two most worthwhile things that I have ever done for my little herd. I would (and already have) highly recommend it to all animal lovers. A heartfelt thank you to James, Shelley and all the team, for their compassion, dedication and generosity of spirit. Together, with their guidance we can make it a better world for animals everywhere. I too —' Have a Dream.'

Anne Eardley
Posted on:
November 30, 2020

I have absolutely loved working through this course, in fact so much so that I didn't want to get to the end. i have cried many times, and constantly been in awe of the wonderful understanding that James shares with so many animal species. On a practical level, it has greatly enhanced my ability to share special moments with my own animals, in particular a very sensitive miniature Shetland mare who has been with me for over fifteen years. Fanta has never shown any desire to spend time with me, often walking away when i approached her. There have been occasions when i couldn't get near enough to put her headcollar on for the farrier's visit, and then her feet missed their trim. But now that I have learned how to be in the present moment and use mindful regard, she comes up to me willingly and asks for a scratch. i have four ponies and have felt many times over the summer that they have been working with James to teach me. Thank you so much, James and Shelley, for giving me the opportunity to be the person my ponies want me to be. And also, to the memory of Delorean who showed how powerful trust and love can be.

Posted on:
November 23, 2020

Of all the degrees and courses I have done, this course has been the most valuable - it fills your heart with peace and hope. The Trust Technique compliments Reiki and Crystal therapies beautifully. It also helped me to re-connect with PEACE, something that I last felt when growing up and living in the bushveld in Africa. Just watching the video's reminds one as to what actually matters in life and our amazing, natural ability as humans to connect with these beautiful souls. This course is such a gift, if is very well set out and explains the technique beautifully. Thank you.

Sally Daniels
Posted on:
November 23, 2020

This is a fab course! James is clear and concise and keeps it really simple. I wish I'd found him earlier!

Catherine Campbell
Posted on:
November 23, 2020

WOW I can not begin to thank you for offering this message of enlightenment.

Louise Seymour
Posted on:
November 23, 2020

Without writing an essay it will be difficult to describe how wonderful this course is. It should be part of everyone's education... to help improve our understanding and appreciation for the animals we share this planet with. Thank you so much, James and Shelley, for your wonderful work and for this most incredibly moving and informative video library.

Mirjam Burger
Posted on:
November 20, 2020

I'm so grateful I found you and your work, This is exactly what I was always looking for and I hope, more and more people will share this spirit of treating animals and also themselves... THANK YOU!

Lindy Cowan-King
Posted on:
November 18, 2020

I have for many years been working on how to communicate to dogs and cats to understand them more to help them live in a human word better. So far what I have learn about Trust Technique is helped greatly. And working to learning more.

Elen Sentier
Posted on:
November 17, 2020

Very good - this is the way we all should be working, it's perfect. It may require a lot, a lot, of unlearning as you go along depending how you've worked before, but go for it, it really works 🙂

Posted on:
November 16, 2020

This course is truly for me, the way forward in being with animals. It has taught me so much and I am eternally grateful for stumbling across this path. I am very excited to move into the next phase.
The last lesson/video was incredibly moving.

Thank you ????????

Trust Technique
Linda Jann
Posted on:
November 13, 2020

I am happy, that I found the way to you, or maybe it founds me. It is so beautiful to see what relationship and connection you James have with the anmimals, and also with the human. The way you teach the animals with their friends is so lovely. It is touching my heard. For me it was always so that the animals are also beings with awareness, feelings, emotions and their own opinion about their live. To see how many people follow this course and share the way being with the animals heal so much. You teach a such simple way to be peaceful to slow down and to geht in connection with everything. It was always difficult for me to meditate. But like this it is a liberation of all the constructions. Every day I take time for the present moment, on the walk with the dog, when I am waiting for something.....
The video course is well done, with theory teachings and the practical videos. I can follow very well becouse you speak en english clearly and slowly. So I improve also my english knowledge. Thank you James and Shelley for sharing this with the world, it is a greate gift.
Sorry for the mistakes.

Ingrid Anderson
Posted on:
November 9, 2020

So far I'm thoroughly enjoying the course and inspired to take this patience and empathy out to my horses each day. It is also a valuable self improvement tool - should be taught to children in kindergarten - imagine!