What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

We would be very grateful for your comments on the video course 🙂

What do our current members have to say?

Barbara Miani

A very complete guide, incredibile work, I feel very lucky to be given the posibility to learn by you all this. Thank you.


No doubt you have heard this many things, this course has been an emotional ride . I can remember when I have cried so much , I do believe I was tripping down memories lane a lot. I was raised on a farm and bought my first horse at the age of 13 , I do believe we saved each other . I have always look for connections with animals that’s where I’m happy . Thank you so so much I would love to take the next step with the trust technique this is my new life .


A very thorough and meticulously curated course that has obviously taken a lot of dedication, patience and care to create.
The love and compassion that both James and Shelley have for animals is apparent throughout and I am very grateful for their gift to the world.


I loved every minute of this course. These teachings feel like “Home” to me on a very deep soul level. The whole experience of these teaching feel like a remembrance of how life is meant to be, how perhaps it once was. Deep resonance of truth and knowing in the way James teaches. It opened my heart so much, in so many ways. I truly felt that I was healing along with the animals while watching the videos. I am extremely grateful to have discovered this. It has been and will continue to be a huge gift in my life. I love that there are people like James and Shelley on the planet with so much love, compassion and respect for animals. It gives me great hope and faith that one day humanity as a whole will live and lead with love. Thank you James and Shelley for developing and sharing the Trust Technique world. It has and will continue to change my life. Mahalo


Hi guys, I find that course is a great opportunity to see that people like you and Shelley exist on that planet …. It is very inspiring to see you guys working together to make a better world for animals and peoples who have a relationship with them .
It is not only a technique that I have learn in this course but I made a spiritual journey through it.
All the time I have look at those video I was in the present and was processing my feeling ….this is a great tool for spiritual growth and I am very grateful to you guys for the opportunity that you have given to me to see all this animals and peoples becoming more conscious.
When I saw your publicity on the internet I knew that this course was for me :).
I am following a lot of path for many years to find how I can improve myself to help myself and the planet . I have followed meditation courses … many gurus and training … reading thousands of books … to find the peace of mind and the present moment and your course complete a big part of the puzzle that I beginning to have an understanding. You guys and the animals on the videos gave me a lot of answers . Thank you very much ….well done. 🙂

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