What is your overall opinion of the Trust Technique Video Course?

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This technique really works wonders. Used it to train a ferral cat to become a house cat. Disciplining the cat did not work at all, if she was scolded for doing something she would just go right ahead and do it twice as much. The trust technique and communicating peacefully and lovingly worked far greater than anything else.
Also did the Trust technique on my daughter's very fearful cat who lives in the same duplex as me. Magic was really afraid of other cats . She would barely go outdoors if my cat was around and when they did encounter each other she would fearcely hiss and try to scratch my cat. After just one fairlu long session with magic where we could see her physically releasing the trauma in a sleep like state, she would then go outside no problem and gradualluy allowed my cat close to her. After several months I would see them playing hide and seek with each other and eventually at a fairly close distance (a few feet away) nap and rest beside each other. We lovingly remind them to be friends as needed and they cooperate with each other. I am amazed at how much they understand when we talk lovingly to them.. My used to be ferral cat is now looking out for Magic and lets me know when Magic wants to come into the house or when she is concerned about her for any given reason. It is so beautiful to see how close they have become. (We only ever did one long session on Magic but it was enough to kick start this new cat relationship with lovingly communicating regularly to be good friends).


Jim was found in the oil field in bitter cold temperatures and was very skinny... I kept him with me through the night and he purred all night on my chest.. The next day I put him with my other cats and he was so happy .
I think that he thinks he is a dog;) he follows me everywhere and if I stop moving, he sits by my feet and looks like this photo.
When i get present, all 5 of my cats come over to sit with me and then go to sleep.. they are very calm and happy with each other..
My Husky normally tries to fight the present moment and also tries to distract my Golden .. But, he is beginning to look forward to the peace. It was difficult having mindful regard for awhile and i think I will start working with them one at a time also. Not sure if I should have maybe done that first. I have watched all videos twice and am going to keep studying them.. I love the trust technique and eventually want to take Practitioners course.


Tom and Jim are very calm these days. I have 5 beautiful rescue cats that are all lovable and sweet . The Trust Technique has done them a world of good. It has also helped My Son and I a lot! I am just reviewing as much as i can because each time, I learn more.. I Love it a lot!


It's the best course I've ever taken. I use it on my animals and I have obtained extraordinary results, especially on a she-wolf who had a lot of difficulties due to excessive emotionality. I'm re-educating my horse and now our relationship is truly exceptional. I am infinitely grateful to James for his teachings. I will take the training course as I work as an animal naturopath, hoping to be able to meet him and shake his hand.


I have really enjoyed this course and the journey it has taken me on. Sadly my elderly cat passed away towards the end of the course. What I soon realised upon beginning this journey was that I had already been doing this, in a way, with him when I first got him from a rescue centre, which helped me to engage with this course as it felt totally natural and could understand it. On his final day I was stopped by a passing dog who wanted to engage with me, which was really moving that he could pick-up on what was happening for me. It is such a special and beautiful feeling to connect with an animal, no matter what the creatures size or appearance. I wish to do more with this, but it may have to be further in the future. I highly recommend.

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