Kristina Boey

Works in person and online with Domestic and Large Animals Based in Hombeek, Belgium Bio: As an animal communicator, the Trust Technique gave me the…

Cheryl Hughes

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in British Columbia Bio: I started my first business in dog training and services in…

Ylva Forssén

Works in person and online with Domestic Animals Based in Lapland Bio: I live in Swedish Lapland with 45 sleddogs using the Trust Technique in…

Mia Trigg

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Macclesfield, Victoria, Australia Bio: The Trust Technique has advanced my skills as a…

Mireille Scholder

Works in person and online with Domestic &. Large Animals Based in Vaud Bio: At the heart of my life lies relationships. Of course, the…

Bruno Schneebeli

Works in person and online with Domestic Animals Based in 6954 Bigorio, Switzerland Bio:Fortunately, my life has already taken me to many places, to many…

Barbara Brunner

Works in person and online with Domestic and Large Animals Based in Winterthur (Seuzach), Zurich Bio: Animals always have had a favourite place in my…

Petra Rus

Works in person and online with Domestic and Large Animals Based in Ticino Bio: Animal-in-forma is a centre in the Southern part of Switzerland in…

Monika Scherrer

Works in person and online with Domestic Animals Based in Lucerne Bio: Schon immer habe ich Tiere als dem Menschen ebenbürtige Wesen betrachtet. Mit der…

Susanne Neubauer

Works in person and online with Domestic & Large Animals Based in Northwestern Switzerland Bio:Nachdem ich als Tierkommunikatorin und Tiershiatsu-Therapeutin begonnen habe, mit Menschen und…