Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

There are new reviews added daily 

Susanne Neubauer – Practitioner
Posted on:
May 26, 2021

I have just gone through the new videos and my plan is to restart the entire video course! It is so essential to go back and back and back.... 😉

Ralf Müller
Posted on:
May 26, 2021

I am so happy to be able to learn this valuable work between humans and animals.
It's the key to people, animals, relationships of both on a deep level.
Thank you both James and Shelley

Ralf Müller
Posted on:
May 26, 2021

I am so glad and grateful that I came across James and Shelly's Trust Technique.
This is the key to working on a deeper level with people and their animals.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me experience this.

Sarah Boulton
Posted on:
May 25, 2021

I am feeling so privileged to have completed the Trust Technique video course. I have seen so many beautiful transformation and exchanges of love and trust between animals and people who really care. It is a gift which deserves the "pass it forward" journey! Imagine the world without cruelty amongst animals from humans, just peace and trust?

Helena Simon
Posted on:
May 24, 2021

this is one of the most important teachings I have ever encountered. Thank you for following your gift and sharing it with everyone, as we all have access to what you are teaching. It is called being in the world as a true human. It is also the only way we can change anything on this earth, for ourselves and the animals around us

Posted on:
May 24, 2021

Dear James,
I am "only" 28% complete, and in following the suggested order, am just now watching "Rescue Dogs - Cadence".
Not sure I can quite define how much the Trust Technique has already affected me and my dogs.
The original intention of purchasing the TT was to apply this with my 5-year-old mare that will be returning to me in June... although practicing with my dogs has revealed an astounding result.
There are times while watching your videos, and listening to your words, I am so deeply moved that I stop and sit with this deep heartfelt emotion.
The TT can be so easy to apply that I felt doubt at first while doing it until my dogs showed me it was indeed working.
Thank you so much, James. The TT has brought me a sense of peace and indubitably this will have the same effect on my beautiful mare Journi when she returns soon.
You are such a gift to share your wisdom with us! If anyone is doubting the commitment, I was hesitant at first but now am undoubtedly sure of this gift that Journi, my dogs, and myself will share for a lifetime! The TT for many reasons has touched my heart deeply. Thank you as well for all the animals you have assisted in finding peace...

Lisa Hares
Posted on:
May 21, 2021

This video course is a real treasure; to me it's a lesson on patience, dedication, trust and love.
It has been such a relief for me to see that people and animals can actually have this amazing connection, and that there are people who help animals in the most beautiful ways.
Having embarked on that journey of practicing being present, I find watching the videos incredibly motivating, since all the animals letting go of old stuff are great company 🙂
I am also grateful for the gentle, positive way in which James presents the cases of the animals who died.
Thank you for the course, it has really opened up a whole new world for me.

Caroline Davies
Posted on:
May 19, 2021

Dear James and Shelley,
Thank you very much for enabling those of us who live far away to take this extraordinary online course. I've learned much, not only about regarding, respecting, and consciously creating peace and building trust with the animals I am responsible for, but also myself, and other humans too. This course has enriched my life, my soul, and my heart immeasurably. I had a feeling when I enrolled for this course that it would be for me, a learning process far beyond the physical and mental and important to partake in - it is also a spiritual one. I wished I'd had this knowledge and understanding from day one of my life on planet earth, but as my lovely husband reflected back to me when I shared that thought with him - "the teacher appears when the student is ready". To learn this language between being and being, no matter our physical form is fantastic and is making the world a better place for all. Thank you from the deepest parts of my heart and soul - this has been an utterly wonderful experience.

Jacqui Anderson
Posted on:
May 18, 2021

I have found the video course to be invaluable. I stumbled across the Trust Technique at a time in my life where I had worked very much on my own mindfulness and this seemed to be the final piece of a puzzle that very much brought all my past experiences with both my animals and myself together. I am a veterinary nurse and have also worked as a reward based trainer in the past. I have owned dogs and cats and have always been interested in behaviour and training. Having come up against some 'restrictions' and concerned how my animals seemed to be becoming more 'wired' using reward based training I looked elsewhere for alternative theories and methods. Coming to my own conclusions that over stimulation (especially with youngsters) was causing many of the behavioural problems seen in dogs it was a real eye opener to see how using the present moment could be used to further help to calm and ultimately resolve behavioural problems. I have seen dramatic results using the trust technique not only in my own animals but also in dogs that I have dealt with in the shelter where I currently work.
I really do hope this way of working becomes more mainstream. It is an invaluable tool to have. Thank you so much.

Ursula (German living in Geneva Switzerland)
Posted on:
May 17, 2021

What a wonderful tool to connect and be with animals. I`ve already had so many touching moments with the horses in the shelter I am working as a volunteer. They love being in the Present Moment and I love sharing this moment with them. It makes me immensely happy. Thank you!

Elanne Palcich
Posted on:
May 14, 2021

This course is an inspiration for a kinder, gentler way of working with animals.
It's OK to have patience and to work according to the animal's timing. It seems to me that this is also a good way to work with kids--or with any traumatized person or pet.
Now to have patience with myself as I practice the present moment.

Posted on:
May 14, 2021

Dear James and Shelley:
Many years have elapsed since, in a single and firm act of volition, I decided to drastically quit smoking, drinking alcohol and eating the product of the slaying of innocent animals… I have to accept the fact that it was not an easy turn, but that single decision strengthened my will power as I wouldn’t even dream possible. The fact is that since then, April, 1966, I have not eaten any part of murdered animals, I have not had a single shot of Scotch, nor have I smoked a single cigarette. Through that simple act I firmly took my first step on the narrow Path that takes us to the Eternal Present. In my trajectory I found Meditation, Yoga, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Great Universal Brotherhood, Occultism, Dianetics, etc… trips to India, Gurus, Ashrams, Sadhanas, and on, and on. Many years later I came to the conclusion that all those Schools, Teachings and Gurus have a common factor: The search of that Light mentioned in each one of them. The ultimate goal is always the same, even if they give different definitions and directions. Most of them offer the “one and only way” to reach the Eternal Home while very few accepts that “all roads lead to Rome”. Each offers a direct ticket to the end point, as long as you submit to their norms, sometimes unreachable and many say the destination is only attained after death, because no one is accepted in Paradise while wearing the fleshly costume… (their idea of hell and heaven drastically rejects the fact that we carry both of them as a portable item and either one is readily attainable depending of our state of consciousness).
In my 82 years on this Planet Earth I never heard such a simple way to explain, and prove, their simple steps to reach “the present moment”, “the HERE AND NOW”, the Divine State of Consciousness that opens the door to the other dimensions.
I have only finished Section 2 of the Trust Technique Video Course, and I have been able to observe not only the perfect response of so many types of animal to your silent command, but I have also seen the easy it is for you to teach other people, real profanes of the subject, the technique you use to enter the silent state which is the way all animals, and maybe plants, communicate with each other.
All those theories that state that “All is One” are clearly seen throughout your videos… but the best part of it all is that now it is so easy to be Here and Now… and this is not only I who can practice the Trust Technique but its doors are open to anyone who is really interested and ready to works for it .
To put it in few words, this Technique is one of the greatest discoveries of our times, because this wonderful practice has been delivered to the world so the people of good feelings can help not only those beings so called irrational animals, but also the practitioner is helped way beyond his own comprehension.
What do I think of it?
Three qualifying adjectives
1.- Enlightening
2.- Awakening
3.- Extraordinary
Thank you for sharing the blessings you have received!

Federico Landaeta

Posted on:
May 12, 2021

Brilliant course. It has changed my life for the better.

Posted on:
May 12, 2021

Oh my goodness, this is the best website ever! James is so endlessly patient with his presentation of information. He reminds me of Mister Rogers. High praise! The information is presented so simply. I love watching all the animals and how they each interact with this technique. It is so beautiful and informative. I love the real tough animals. It is so amazing to watch them go all the way through the process, and that the animals are participating. Thank you so very much for all that your organization does for these animals and the non-profits. Thank you also for making this available. Forget the News, the world is truly becoming miraculous!

Adrianne de Gallatin
Posted on:
May 12, 2021

The first online course confirmed my motivation for my new choice of life helping animals.
I was often moved by the videos : Ares the Lion, Bella, the bears and the last one with the horse in Mane Chance sanctuary (beautiful !).
The session that seemed very long to me, compared to others, was the one with the puddle and the vaccum cleaner !!
I didn't understand all the english, especially at Hope Pastures because of the accent and all the noise behind.
I have received my camera GoPro and can't wait to start the course in June, hopping my english will be good enough !

Adrianne (from France)

Federico Landaeta
Posted on:
May 10, 2021

The system used to deliver this course is excellent because it covers practically all the ideas and concepts needed to convey the key points of the course. I am sure that as we advance in the study I shall be able to expand my opinion quite a bit… meanwhile I have to say: “So far, so good”. Ah! I have to say it, I am delighted to be part of the “Translation Group” and I am sure that many extraordinary experiences await for me in the near future.
Incessant blessings


Posted on:
May 10, 2021

This is what I have been waiting and looking for. Not only really helping animals but also feel the heart open and love growing in myself. I‘m adicted. Thank you so much.

Posted on:
May 10, 2021

“Do animals understand what we are saying? Yes, but you have to make sense”
Vicky Hearne "Adam’s Task"

I am deeply moved by discovering the Trust Technique. I am a Jungian psychotherapist and over the years each learning path I have taken has been a rediscovery that presence and listening are the foundation of what I can offer. I have come to see more fully that human disruption from what we have called nature (as if it is something other than human) and human nature are of course not separate. Eco-therapy has taken me some of the way, what I am learning from the Trust Technique now, joyfully, falls into place.

Trust Technique addresses relations of humans and the animals they are responsible for; it also reaches into human/nature relations in the wild. Essentially it is a well taught practice of meditating alongside an animal and discovering that when the human enters a meditation and is in a state of utter presence and listening, the animal relaxes and can enter a peaceful state that is ,also, healing. When this is repeated, sometimes in small doses if the animal is very sensitive and/or traumatised, the animal comes to recognise it is this human that is enabling the peace, and connection and trust become possible.

However, the method completely gets that the relationship is actually an inter-actional state that the animal may have initiated by catching, ("flirting with", to use Arnold Mindell's formation in Quantum Mind) the human. And, that there may be a wound in common. The growth of the relationship, or the process of healing, whichever is the intention, may well depend on the human healing her/his traumas. This is explicitly taught and it’s beautifully shown that the Trust Technique offers healing to both human and animal.

In the first place it is clear (delightfully) that it is humans that needs training!

The teaching of the method, initially online, clearly draws on a wealth of psychotherapeutic knowledge and good practice, on spiritual traditions and indigenous knowledge. And, it has synthesised this with clarity and apparent simplicity, but the kind of simplicity that comes from deep understanding. Following the videos makes me laugh with pleasure as I see them explain in accessible language earnest conceptions of psychoanalysis and all its derivatives. It seems to me the teaching comprises an excellent psychotherapy training, made the more possible by beginning with human/nature relations.

The videos are a masterclass in how to present online.

James Barrett

Stacie Printon
Posted on:
May 6, 2021

I am so impressed with the Trust Technique. Simple yet profound, it has made a world of difference for our cats and our household. Thank you for making this technique available to others. The video course is rich in content and insight, well-organized and structured, taking the student more deeply into understanding and application of the work. Truly a gift for those who wish to develop a deeper relationship with and understanding of animals. Thank you so much.

Maude Star
Posted on:
May 5, 2021

The Trust Technique is what I have been looking for, for so long - it is the missing link! For ourselves and our relationship with our animals, but also our relationship with each other and the world in general.
I have come to really see the intelligence of my animals, and to learn to trust their intelligence and let go of my preconceptions about their behaviour. A whole new world has opened up where we learn and work together, where they show me stuff and communicate with me. I am full of appreciation for them, and for their willingness to meet me - they have waited patiently for years.
It affirms what I knew as a child; that animals are not ‘just animals’; that we can connect with them and it is AWESOME. I feel so thankful to have been brought to this work. It has benefitted me in so many ways, not just in my relationships with animals but in my whole life. It’s a game changer. Thankyou James and Shelley!

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