Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

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Francisco Fuentes
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

Very interesting view of connecting this one. I am glad I met you, really!!

Inge Grosmann
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

Shanti Shanti Shanti
Love your Technique
Love your course
Love your team and its integrity
Big thank you

Michaela Rustemi
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

Thank you guys for your effort to make our world better place to live and helping animals. Your kindness with animals is breathtaking and your videos very eyes opening for all humanity to understand that life is love itself. I cannot find nice words enough describing your loving videos and work and the way how you are presenting it. This is not job, it is be what you guys love to be. Very fulfilling. Thank you so much.

Chris Hemingway
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

Both my horses and myself are very happy to be learning this technique to repair our lost trust and confidence. The difference (when I get it right!) Is amazing. Can't wait for more information as I have a very strange pony who is switched off to everything. I am slow at doing the course as i am busy at the moment with my cows. Thankyou for sharing this with us.

Amy Prange
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

I am currently studying Lesson 14 and Mr. French mentions how the Trust-Technique reaches people!! I'm excited to get to that part of the training.

Many Thanks and Blessings

Carla Stach
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

❤️❤️ i feel myself much more strong beimg im the moment just now!! Such a nice teaching!!❤️❤️????????????????

Posted on:
May 4, 2021

Brilliant course. Has helped me to such a large degree with many things but the highlights have been
1) with treating a nasty wound in an unhandled filly. Helping her be peaceful so she would her stay lying while I treated and bandaged her wound when she had never been touched before. Such a treasured moment.
2) helping a foal (being treated for osteomyelitis) be peaceful through his rather lengthy treatment process. Many beautiful moments with His Mum and him. He cast himself one night and while I was trying to pull him clear, he indicated that he wanted to be rolled so I rolled him, he stayed peaceful throughout the process.

Amy Prange
Posted on:
May 4, 2021

This technique works so well with our newly gelded four year old pony stallion!!! Thank you!!!

Robin Gionette
Posted on:
April 28, 2021

Hello...I am so enjoying this course...I can't seem to find enough time to do it...I spend every spare moment I have continuing....I completely agree with the principles and the method of kindness and trust VS. fear and I asked Creator to help me do this in a kind way.....and your advertisement appeared as I was watching some horse training youtube....thank you for all you do for the animals. I look forward to going onto the next course to be a Practioner.....Blessings to both of you and your team.

Dominique Bermond
Posted on:
April 28, 2021

I finished all the trust technique video course and enjoyed so much this time shared with Shelley and James and all those animals which made me crying for Joy but also for sadness ,that for sure I'll do it all again from the beginning ! I wished it never finishes ! I am voluntary everyday in a rescue center for dogs and I could help already so many from them ! As I am not professional for some case I'll have to ask advice to James or Shelley ! It is just magic and good for the animals and myself !If you hesitate ,go on you 'll never regret it !Thank you Shelley and James for all what you do ,you give us hope in this world !❤️❤️
PS. excuse my english , I am french .

Robyn Scatena
Posted on:
April 28, 2021

Absolutely amazing course!! Life changing honestly. Am blessed I found this.

Thomas Plunkett
Posted on:
April 27, 2021

I just started The video Course and am very impressed with this technique.. I am hopeful that this course will positively impact me, as well as my dogs and cat.

Ingrid Beuman
Posted on:
April 26, 2021

Wauw. What an eye-opener. So easy and logical. I enjoyed it. This is the way I was looking for. Thank you!

Christiane Weninger
Posted on:
April 20, 2021

I want to thank James and Shelly for this video course. The way you help animals and humans to get peaceful with what ever happened in their life is just wonderful. It helped me a lot to get a deeper understanding of myself and my animals (a horse and a cat). Bothe of my animals had a difficult childhood. And so I have a lot to learn how to deepen our relationship. How to lead myself and my animals through the mindful regard. Actually it took me a while to understand what the mindful regard means. by watching all the videos I started to understand more and more. And to be honest at the beginning I just wanted to learn, understand and practice as much as possible and then I realised that this was exactly my pattern. I suffered my hole life of being stressed and pushed by my father to do everything faster and better. And I always thought why can´t I do things in my space? Why? And then I forgot that it was me how continued that pattern. I did´nt know how to stop it. And when I tried to it got even worse and stressed me. But starting with the TT also for humans it changed my thinking and it still takes time but I am on my way and I do understand more and more about the animals space and how to regard them and myself. It is a wonderful way. The way I was not only looking for actually I was seeking for it. And when I can release my anxiety and past I can get a deeper understanding first of myself and then for my animals. Thank you for you being with us and our animals. All the best Christiane

Sophie Fukutome
Posted on:
April 20, 2021

For those who won't read much further: I warmly recommend this course because it offers new insights into our relationship with animals and a pragmatic method for creating such a relationship. Personally, I took this course not just because it sounds "cool" to have a trusting relationship with my dog, but out of necessity, because she's very difficult. I expect the TT will help us, because it seems to go to the heart of the problem.
Rather than a classical course, the TT video course feels more like an apprenticeship in which we follow James and Shelley, learning how to feel and see. The spoken text is easy to understand. James speaks slowly and clearly, attracting our attention to important points. (In the Bear videos, I couldn't always hear his interlocutor well enough). The order of the videos is, I believe, more or less chronological. The structure of the learning programme is achieved by recommending a viewing order. The forums are very useful to ask questions as we experiment with the method with our own animals.
The TT video course probably needs to be viewed several times, discovering a little more every time. In the first round, I was very impatient to have seen it all. I nevertheless took about 3 months. Now, I feel I can relax, take a step back, and view it again!
Although the first round of the TT video course does not give me the impression I have mastered the TT, it has helped me become a little calmer (good for my husband, too!), and I am beginning to see some change in my dog. The method is founded on simple principles, and it can be practiced: it's not magic. This is an aspect I greatly appreciate. Nevertheless, I believe its application requires commitment (regular practice, viewing and reviewing the videos, TT for humans) to get a feeling for timing, and "messages" from my dog. Honing my listening and observing skills seems paramount.
Many thanks to James and Shelley for setting up this course online, which is the only way I would have been able to follow it at the moment. And thanks also to the practitioners who took the time and trouble to answer my questions.

Pamela Pomeranz
Posted on:
April 20, 2021

The trust technique in a word, outstanding. The ability to learn to be peaceful is extraordinary and so fulfilling to me as a person .

Caroline Sherwood
Posted on:
April 20, 2021

I just sent a message to JAMES but not sure if that went to the right place.
I've just watched the Healing module and think this should be part of all healing training courses for humans. The point about getting present (reducing thinking) before attempting to give healing is so crucial. Just beautiful to see the animals softening and calming and receiving and changing...Thank you. I'm not communicating much, but I'm really enjoying this course. Much of it is familiar (albeit applied very specifically in a new context) as I did a 7 year training in satipatthāna-vipassana (1973-1980), and have been a meditator ever since. My first teacher (John Garrie) was a gifted healer, so much healing knowledge was woven into our training, such as regular distance healing sessions.

elisabetta asti
Posted on:
April 20, 2021

I appreciate with all my heart this course because of his message, so deep and important for all the sentient beings: it is really what I was looking for . Thank you so much!

Gloria Hartney
Posted on:
April 16, 2021

I am enjoying this course and learning so much.
I do so much and then let in sink into my Physic,
I am really pleased to now see some men taking part as it has been mostly women working with James.
I will do the Animal communication after I finish this and I still have quite a bit to go.
Thank you so much, James is such an inspiration and the animals love him, I am aiming to achieve to be the best I can be.
I have always loved horses and have had very little to do with them, what beautiful sensitive creations they are.
My love and best wishes

Kathleen Sprague
Posted on:
April 14, 2021

I have only just begun this course but finding it wonderful. The speed is just right, the information is clear and it really makes me think. Looking forward to continuing.

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