Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members
Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,
The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives
Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂
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The Halter video with the herd of horses was quite beautiful how it evolved.????????
Your clear points on how to approach the course were very much appreciated. I originally decided to do the course as I'll be volunteering at a rescue centre, but after your direction to only use this for our own animals, I will now wait till a rescue animal joins my household. So thank you once again for saving the creation of a problem for whoever adopts from the rescue centre.
Kind regards, Lyn
The Trust Technique is life-changing. It has changed my horse's and my life. Santi was rehomed with me from a charity 5 years ago. We have come a long way in those 5 years but much further in the 6 weeks since I found the Trust Technique. I didn't think I was being effective in the beginning until I tacked him up and, for the first time in 5 years and there was no laying back of ears or threatening to bite, there was no reaction whatsoever. I've spent a lot of time standing next to busy main roads with Santi on a lunge line trying to desensitise him to Lorrys, tractors and motorbikes with some but limited success. I now keep present on rides and although we have only met one tractor in a situation that would normally cause him to panic and me to try and stay calm, he just pricked his ears and walked calmly past. Picking his feet up has always been a challenge so I employed the strategy used with Henry and his girlfriend in the videos. Back feet are now picked up without asking, fronts are taking more patience and getting present though. Santi has never appeared to like being touched or stroked, he threatens to bite and can often appear unfriendly and is certainly never affectionate. However, I spent 15 minutes yesterday, standing 2' away from his shoulder in the field just getting present and observing his reaction as he munched on a large bale of hay. Twice, he put his nose gently on my arm for a few moments and then he took a small sideways step nearer to me, then he did another and again a couple of minutes later another until his shoulder was just touching my arm. Amazing.
The Trust Technique has helped me with both my aging dog, and young spirited, spooky horse. Sadie (the dog) has been very anxious and needy recently as her age is slowing her down. I have been using The Trust Technique with her and she settles down and closes her tired eyes . It has helped me with my horse who is quite high strung. I use it before I tack her up, and when riding when she gets anxious too!. I will for sure be signing up for a retreat when they are available. Many thanks from Holly, Sadie and Beth.
Dear James and Shelley
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.
Having only completed Section 1, I have been through a roller coaster of emotions and have cried on numerous occasions.
The effect a State of Peace shows is truely amazing and I only wish all of humanity had this sense built in.
Well done to all those 'carers' who worked with you in sharing the love.
Each section teaches something new and everything builds from the first lesson. I especially loved section nine.
Dear Shelley,
Dear James,
Very well done online course!
I`ve just watched the final video session on Delorean the wild mustang. If I`d been touched during all the other video sessions with the dogs, cats, bears, lions and other horses, this one really touched me the most.
I was able to experience the Trust Technique myself with the horses I look after in the refuge, and it is amazing how quickly the animal allows real closeness - I mean, it`s not only being physically close, but being connected on a soul level. I felt always very close to animals, especially to cats. The Trust Technique gives me now such a beautiful and gentle “tool” to establish this connection. Many thanks indeed for sharing this with me and the world.
With gratitude, Ursula
I’m both enjoying and fascinated by the Trust Technique. I decided to flow right through the course without taking notes. Then to start again having had that overview, and include note taking. Having had a lifetime with animals, this seems to come somewhat after the event since I no longer have animals! But I still visit my family with their dogs and cats and occasionally walk the dog and even now, in this early stage I notice the difference; not forgetting a beautiful five minutes with a Siamese cat who paused to sit with me yesterday. The course rings bells; as a child (with hearing and speech disorder) I befriended every dog in the road, which seemed so entirely natural. So the method seems familiar although I never was consciously aware of the process and wonderful now to have it articulated and for so many owners and their animals to benefit from it/.
The Trust Technique is a life-changing experience. After watching Messages of Trust, I enrolled in the Trust Technique Video Course and began working with my very sensitive German Shepherd, Westley. I was expecting it to take some time to learn, and it was amazing to see Westley react so quickly and powerfully on the first day working with him to reduce his thinking and be peaceful. That was a momentous day, with much healing. With each day, he is calmer, more peaceful, more confident, more trusting, more relaxed, and happier. I've completely changed my awareness of my own anxiety level, and now know how to easily reset my peace of mind throughout the day. My main reason for enrolling in the course was to address Westley's reactivity and fear aggression at the vet. With the COVID situation, it's been even more challenging, since people aren't allowed to go into the vet clinic with their animals. With the four P's in mind; Purpose, Peace, Patience and Persistence, I'm sure that Westley can learn to be peaceful when he goes to the vet. Westley is a good teacher, and I think after doing this work with him, I want to become a practitioner and help other animals (and their people) with the Trust technique.
I have not been active on your website for a number of months now, but the last lesson that I took was so profound... Taking time to absorb the information and revelations regarding how my personal history and responses to stressful situations were really making it difficult to make any progress in dealing with current situations with my two rescue cats. The time away was well worth it. This one lesson has been life changing. Many thanks!
Was a little sceptical at first, but having tried some of the techniques on my pets, find that I am slowly getting tuned to the tt.
I want to do more in the future and possibly help others, but a long way off.
My testimonial is to all that read this is simple. It works!
I really like doing the trust technique with my horse. It is helping me to stay more calm and peaceful when my horse get tensed. I also can get scared of my horse sometimes, it is still work in progres but I already notice a difference in myself since started with the trust technique. We are finding our strong connection and more subtle communication back and I love that! The video course is explaining everything in clear and easy steps and bringing it into practice was more easy then I thought it would be.
Dear Shelley and James, what a wonderful course you have created. To be able to show a very sensitive soul like me and my 15 year old poodle how to find peace in the word is a very beautiful gift. I have no words to thank you so I have made this painting : ]
Danke für Deine Beharrlichkeit, lieber James! Ich war nicht sehr entschlossen, diesen Kurs zu buchen aber habe es schließlich doch getan. Und wahrhaft, er ist jeden Pfennig wert. Die Videos habe ich geradezu verschlungen und gleich ausprobiert, wie es mit meinem Hund, Ragnar, funktioniert. Auf einmal wurde mir klar, dass ich meinen Hund bisher überhaupt nicht verstanden habe. Stattdessen hatte ich nur die, immer ähnlichen, Empfehlungen von all den anderen Hundetrainern im Kopf. Nun ist eine Beziehung zu meinem Hund entstanden, wie ich sie mir nicht hätte vorstellen können. Danke für dieses wertvolle Wissen und diesen Frieden, den mir das gebracht hat. Und quasi nebenbei: Ich selbst bin deutlich friedvoller und zufriedener! Ich hoffe, dass noch viele andere Menschen diesen Kurs buchen! Es trägt zum Weltfrieden bei und zu Eurem Eigenen...
I have been working energetically with 2 leggeds for 33 years.
This course is taking me to a consistently higher and deeper level.
I am taking the course very slowly to really allow myself to absorb what I am feeling
And how to truly absorb and be with it and I with my dog.,
We are progressing slowly and deeply.
I feel totally privileged to have found this way of working with animals. Thank you so much to James French for being such and excellent and patient teacher and all the other people and animals involved that have played their part in explaining, showing and sharing how it all works in so many different environments and circumstances. I have concentrated on using the trust technique with my mare and we have been on an amazing journey together as we have followed this course. She is a highly sensitive horse and the amazing combination of present moment and mindful regard has assisted us to cope with, the death of a close herd member, enforced moves to 3 new places in search of a permanent home and introductions to new herds along the way. I was full of anxiety and concern as to how she would cope with these experiences at first, but now I know, with my support, she will deal with everything calmly and peacefully. The trust technique has prepared me to be open to what she has to teach me. I feel this course has been the best kind of course as it has taught me through head, hand and heart. I have learned things intellectually, then have had to do it, then reflect on how the whole thing has effected me emotionally and spiritually. Thank you so much for this life enhancing experience.
I love it????. It so makes sense. I have already noticed that my dogs are calmer and me too.
We still have a long way to go but now I’m hopeful. I can’t thank you enough.
I just thought I love to share my tow stories with you. My first one was with my cat. I had this problem with a mail cat coming around and I started to feed him, give him a name and place outside in a little garden hut. But at the same time I started to realise that my little girl cat, which I have for not quite a year now, was completely irritated. I know my cat was a baby cat from the street and she used to live with a family for a year after they saved her form the street. And then they had to give her away due to allergy problems with their kid. After watching the video with the cat and then the trust technique for humans I realised that this is exactly my problem. So I did that work instructed by James and guess what. I came to my action plan. I could leave all my bad feelings behind and also my being so nervous. So my cat used to sleep next to me in my bed but since that mail cat came she stopped doing this. And after my tt session for myself the next day I just wanted to go to my sleeping cat and strike her but she didn´t purr. I started the present m. and all of a sudden I started to cry bitterly. All my old deep emotions of my childhood came up and I felt so sorry for that. I could feel how these emotions swapped over to my cat. She left. And then I could release my feelings and all of a sudden I felt so free and light. I was so thankful for the Trust technique for myself. And my princes Lilli came at that night and cuddled her self next to my head purring for a long time. Since that she looks so different at me.
Since that the stranger didn´t come any more. But today he came. And it was such a lovely experience to me. I saw Lilli getting a bit nervous, not as before. I sat next to the window and she come over right next to my. Just as James said, when they realise they can trust you they will come. And that happened. I started with the present moment and it didn´t take long and Lilli went up to her high seat with her bed. I then continued the pm as she was still looking after the other cat outside. I had the chance to see him in the mirror next to me. So I didn´t have to turn away on order to see weather the cat was gone or not. Lilli relaxed more and more and all of a sudden the cat was gone. This was such a lovely feeling and made me so happy that I managed to help not only Lilli but myself too.
So my second story is about my horse. I have my horse since he was 6 months old. I saved him from the butcher. He was put on a rope next to his mother so that he could not reach her for drinking the milk. We are really close friends but there are some things I could not manage. So one is, that he likes to tweak me and constantly asks for goodies. Yesterday I started with the pm and it was really hard to calm him down. BUT I realised I couldn´t not come down myself. I had no idea why. I had time but no patience. And I just was nervous. I thought oh my good do I have a heart problem or what´s wrong with me. I couldn´t manage to calm down. So I did the pm with myself again and as soon as I realised that he got a little of my calming down I let it bee. Then I did a little bit of riding and after that I went with him straight into the open stable and he started to eat his hay. I got nervous again. And first I thought, I need to see a doctor. But then I said to myself, the doctor is not what it needs. There is something with in me that made me nervous. And while I was just there trying to be and regard my horse I realised what was going on. To be honest I could feel the pressure I had when I was a child. The pressure I got from my father. The pressure to do things quicker and perfect and only what he wanted me to do, never what I was up to. When I got that feeling I started to cry again (as it was with my cat). I could let go my old feelings and then give mindful regard to my horse. He then stopped eating started to relax and went down to level 1. And all of a sudden he lied down. I moved next to him peacefully and he started to put his head next to my knee. I wished I had my camera with me. But I just enjoyed this peaceful moment and that we both could let got our old feelings. Thanks James for this wonderful work and that I have the chance to learn more and more about it.
I joined this course for my horse, but last summer he was accidentally shot by a gamekeeper.
Clearly this was a 10 rated issue when I was practising building resiliance in my peace of mind. I was stuck in the fury and distress of what happened. This technique is the only thing I've found in the last 9 months that has started to give me peace of mind and lessen my anger towards his killer. My learning is the practitioner can be healed by this technique not only others.