Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

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Heidi Hook
Posted on:
January 27, 2021

Thank you so much for offering this course. The more I listened, the more I felt the present moment, and the more my issues started to melt away. Now I am with all my animals with such a different being and they all love it. I am able to have the relationship with them that I always wanted and deep down knew it was possible , but didn't know how. This video course is invaluable. I am forever changed.
With deep sincere gratitude!

Barbara Angier
Posted on:
January 26, 2021

I am sooooo "muchly" enjoying these courses. I did the responsibility lesson with my cat, Magic, and uncovered an amazing bond. Turns out we both have abandonment issues. I have felt a very special bonding with him ever since. I have been practicing the Present Moment with my animals, and I am finding that
I am experiencing at least as much peace as my animals. The Trust Technique fits nicely with me as I have been a meditator for many years.

Anneke Menger
Posted on:
January 26, 2021

I am just starting but the few videos I've seen touched me very deeply. I had the very strong feeling that this is what I wanted to learn. I also realise that I made several mistakes with our own animals, dogs, cats. And I hope strongly that it is possible to heal it. In them and in myself. Thanks for learning this to us.

Tuula Saari
Posted on:
January 25, 2021

I'm less than half way trough , and I absolutely love it . I'm also falling in love with all those animals , and cried when Bella died ! Thank you !

Anja Weiß
Posted on:
January 25, 2021

Die Trust Technik ist sehr effektiv. Gut erklärt durch die vielen Videobeispiele.

Posted on:
January 25, 2021

Thank you for sharing all these peaceful stories with us????

carolyn klause
Posted on:
January 21, 2021

I have just started using the Trust Technique with my Hanovarian 7 year old gelding in the last two days. He has had some problems with aggression in the past. I can't believe that change in him and also in me. ( the way I was behaving with him) I am elated, he has become a willing partner:)
Thank you James for the Trust Technique!

Susan Norbury
Posted on:
January 21, 2021

love the video s the way the spots appear it keeps you on your toes and alert really good and very interesting

Paul Ter Weijde
Posted on:
January 20, 2021

So far I am very enthousiastic about the course, and the work being done for animals. I have worked with presence for many years, and am impressed by the very clear instructions on how to learn to be present with yourself. I wonder if this has a long term effect on the people using the technique and would like to hear the feedback from people using the presence technique.

Georgianna Smith
Posted on:
January 20, 2021

I bought a super sensitive horse. She has lead me on a journey of figuring out what she needs. I am having a lot of fun with just the first messages. My creative reactions have lead to creative reactions from the horses too!! Wishka has trouble walking thru the woods with me. I have walked the same paths one hundred times and she still air cribs and acts dangerous. Believe me I am still on the ground! I tried to ride her lately with a buddy but had to make him wait and bury her head in his tail to stay safe. I want my old horse with no teeth to eat clover. Nice and soft and I hope digestible so we like to walk to the unused field. Today I put the halter on the lead mare and off the four of us went. Wishka, my sensitive horse has over come most of the fear on the way there so I let her play and run free on the way there... Once there and everyone had had their fill I put the halter on Wishka. I asked to her with as little high thinking as I could muster to walk home with me slowly, even if everyone else dashed off. please. Well! creatively thinking I listened to her when she asked to hurry on down the path before the others thought about leaving. The old mare came with us. She only past us when she had to tumble down the steep hill. Her son followed her. To my surprise they stopped at the bottom of the hill and waited on us. The old mares mate stayed behind us. This is the first time ever that the loose horses did not take off willy nilly, for a nice run home. They all walked behind us home. Wishka air cribbed only twice before she realized they were waiting on her. I am sharing the ideas with everyone that will slow down and hear me. I am having so much fun with it. I am listening to the messages over and over and over. Georgie

Posted on:
January 20, 2021

I would like to thank James and his team for the instructive lessons and fantastic filmreports. It’s amazing to see how a human with this TT can solve so many problems in animal kingdom . I’m so grateful that i saw this article about TT in the CAP(a horsemagazine), this was the start to have a look on james’ projects. I know some people with a lot of gifts or talents(even spiritual) but James is the number one in the top 10. I would definitely like to meet him.

Alexandra Garrett
Posted on:
January 19, 2021

What I've learned so far has been fantastic. It's helped me to begin to take control of my extra thinking and that can only benefit the animals and people that are in my life.

Trust Technique
Posted on:
January 18, 2021

Hello James and Shelly,
Wow, you made a grade shift in my life with your course! Not only for my cat Gizmo, but I made a lot of more animals very happy including the animal being me! The connection I now feel with nature, some horses I met and other animals (i.e. some cows) and people are warm and profound, much deeper that ever before your course.
Also the realisation that the connection is real and that we don't need any spiritual dogma, accessories and stories to create an authentic and peacefull state of mind and way of life and help other animals to feel calm, peaceful, happy. For the world, for nature, all animals, including us people.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Warm greetings from the Netherlands, Ida Verstraten

Adelle Moore
Posted on:
January 18, 2021

This was the most loving thing that I have ever done with my horses, what a wonderful experience, bringing me so much closer to my center than I could have ever imagined. I am grateful and my boys are as well.
In love and light

Susan Norbury
Posted on:
January 18, 2021

so far found it brilliant driving my husband mad as i want to watch it all day and night presently in bed and he is complaining tried the trust method on him this am and whilst complaining he came over and sat beside me and went very quiet wow wow wow love it

Susan Norbury
Posted on:
January 18, 2021

I love the way james makes everything so simple how he explains it is so clear and with the video back up fantastic really enjoying the course so far cos i have just started. Having trouble remembering it is trust technique want to tell everyone touch technique of course linda tellington touch

Posted on:
January 18, 2021

This course has been life saving in this pandemic and lockdowns. The best money I have ever spent.
Thank you so much James and Shelley for developing this wonderful work.

Carolina Johansson
Posted on:
January 14, 2021

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Dear James and Shelly, Ive been praying to find something that I really feel I could trust when it comes to my dogs and understanding them better. And one day there you were. This is so much better than I ever could expect. This is by far the best thing Ive come across in this field ever. Im thankful beyond words for all the beautiful work you are doing for animals around the world and that you put it all together in this form for people to learn. Im learning so much about my animals and also myself. I wish everyone in the world knew about this! Im so happy and I just want to give you both a gigant hug! Bless you

Sibylle Scheibli
Posted on:
January 13, 2021

I am absolutely fascinated of this technique. I am so happy, I got to know of it by a documentary in the Swiss TV.
Actually I am (was) quite afraid of animals - especially horses and dogs - but by now I got a very new understanding of them and these creatures found a way into my heart.
My cat Kyra asks me at least once a day to spend some present moments with her. That is just beautiful

Shadia Hancock
Posted on:
January 13, 2021

The Trust Technique has completely shifted the way I view emotions and connection to animals, particularly when dealing with animals who need some help with confidence. It has also complemented my shift into the world of positive training, and taught me how to best support my animal with her emotional issues in a respectful and peaceful way. I recommend every animal handler do this course - it's truly a game changer.

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