Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members

Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,

The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives

Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂

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Sharon Morell
Posted on:
January 21, 2018

I am at the beginning of your course, however this is not the beginning of my journey to discover the Avatar connection with animals. It is my passion to develop a special bond and connection with the animals that I am fortunate enough to meet, I am looking forward to learning your technique, I have been very impressed by what I have seen so far.

Scout Wilkins
Posted on:
January 19, 2018

This is a deeply transformational course. I work with people more than other animals at this point, although as a naturalist/guide I have been around animals all my life.

What I have become deeply aware of and fascinated by is the animal inside me, and its way of being in the world depending on whether it is trusting or terrified.

As a coach, I have used this idea for several years, to help people understand their motivations and choices in a new light. What this course has done for me is two things:

First, it has brought me to a place of being able to enter the hall of mirrors inside me where all my thinking and judgment lived - allowing me to let go, and heal inside myself.

Second, it has given me a tool to calm myself and stay calm, so I can be a truly trustworthy guide for other people, whether I am guiding them into the Utah wilderness or the wilderness of their own unconscious.

Third, there's a spectacular gift in being able to get peaceful and trustworthy enough to have almost magical interactions with a bighorn sheep I meet up with now and again in this canyon country.

Thank you, James, fro the bottom of my heart. This is the most profound and important training I have ever received.

Posted on:
January 14, 2018

Dear James and Shelley, Thank you for sharing your unique gifts, they are like no other. You are so kind and generous, and I'm so grateful that you are on a mission to make life better for all animals. I agree with all the reviews and I don't want to repeat what has already been said. I would like to comment on the videos of Fanta. I enjoyed, using your framework, observing Fanta change within the physical, emotional and spiritual areas. He was so frustrated and agitated in the beginning. He then became playful, happy, peaceful, curious and joyful. My heart nickered when I saw him transition from an unconfident horse into a confident boy. Loved the way he used his entire body to strut along the path. Well done Heather! Thank you for being vulnerable. James & Shelley, looking forward to seeing you Down Under in Feb.

Posted on:
January 14, 2018

I am developing my ability to do less and create more! - more trust and understanding and also more being instead of doing. These videos are allowing me to absorb your technic myself - before I offer gentle stillness to an animal. its a beautiful experience. Thank you . I have seen Ares and Bella and Grace twice now and I have turned down the sound so I can focus on the body language as well as melt into the moment. You will not be surprised to hear that I cANT STOP YAWNING.

Posted on:
January 9, 2018

Excellent, each video just gets better and better, really inspiring not just in my work with animals, but in my life as a whole. Video 19 on Intent, resonated with me particularly and has given me a clear insight into the importance of Intention. I don't use the word Awesome often, but this course really does inspire Awe ..... truly Awesome. Thank you

Barbara Corrison
Posted on:
January 9, 2018

This is a magical course. Every video is absolutely engrossing and left me feeling happy and peaceful. James's patience is unwavering and the animals obviously trust him completely. I am truly impressed. I have started using the technique on my rather nervous whippet who seems calmer after just a few sessions. I feel our relationship is deepening by using the information on this wonderful course.

Posted on:
January 7, 2018

Hello James and Shelley,
what an amazing course you have provided. The web site to learn it all from is really excellent. I do not have any animals of my own right now but one day when I stop travelling it will happen.
What I love is the method you use to gain the animal"s trust and how they respond. It is so heartwarming to see how they move from being fearful to being able to relax with humans again, and absolutely wonderful to see abused rescued animals knowing peace and enjoying life.
The way you work with energy so resonates with me in how to move in everyday life and situation. The latest video "Intent" a powerful example of that. Thank you so much for what you offer. Barbara

fiona knox
Posted on:
January 7, 2018

just wonderful......I'm finding this version of the video course is much more comprehensive and also easier to follow. I'm going through it all over again and getting even more out of it than I did the first time. This time I find I'm working on my own issues much more......and it's paying dividends in terms of peaceful dogs . Thank you so much for putting this out there.....

Betti Doherty
Posted on:
January 6, 2018

The first video course I have done. I was a little sceptical -purely because of myself, I thought I won't be motivated enough on my own to go through the full course. What I think now, having completed the course that it is one of the best way to learn new skills when you are on the other side of the world yet feeling so connected to the subject. I loved how it helped me to organise my own time, create a routine and keep up with my own schedule in order to stay in tune with the subject but without any pressure or stress to achieve what I wanted from this course. Thank you James and Shelley for making amazing efforts with the films (I know, as I used to be working as a documentary film editor. It is not always easy), creating a user friendly website and to involve anyone who is open to learn. And finally, after completed the course (approx 9 months) we rescued 3 dogs who (and us) benefit so much of everything I learnt here. Many thanks, again for your work!

Liane Reynolds
Posted on:
January 5, 2018


I love your videos you are showing how to get comfortable with the animal and gain their confidence through clearing your mind. I have found this helpful while practicing Reiki. I took the The Connection by Eric Pearl and that is how he heals with a clear mind and letting his hands go where they may. When I come in my room and listen to your course my dogs fall asleep. I do not have horses so I am going to temporarily skip to section 5 where it talks about dogs. I love all modalities of healing and animal communication.

Liane Reynolds

Posted on:
January 5, 2018

Have started watching videos. Totally enjoying them. Very much in line with my own mindfulness and TRE training, practice, and the teaching I do. And learning much more already. Thank you – continuing…

Posted on:
January 5, 2018

Happy New Year to all. I am new to the course and am LOVING IT! It is an added layer to my knowledge and experience.
James & Shelley......thank you for finding a way to share your own knowledge, intuitiveness and sensitivities. It makes perfect sense to me that the animals on this planet have been grossly misunderstood by humans. It fills my heart with warm fuzzies ☺️ And joy that you have recognized this, found a way to open the door and then to share this with those who are of like mind.
I'm so blessed to have found you. I'm so looking forward to seeing all the videos and listening to the tutorials.

Diana Hunt
Posted on:
January 2, 2018

Just started the course after a busy Yuletide and practicing 'being present'. It is a very powerful technique for self empowerment - a big thank you to James - I am so looking forward to continuing on this journey.

Posted on:
January 1, 2018

Wonderful, wonderful course. It resonates with me so deeply, and I have used it with my cats with great succes. I have found a deeper level of peace in my life. I love it, it is the best money spent ever. Maybe even considering becoming practitioner in the future 🙂

Leanne Thorne
Posted on:
December 27, 2017

I can not express how much I love this video course. Everyone just makes my connection with animals even more dramatic. The simplicity of shifting an animal's energy when I listening and then do the exercises presented by James is beyond belief. Even when I see it with my own eyes. Love this every day I experience another exciting connection of trust with the animals around me.

Joy de Pominville
Posted on:
December 27, 2017

I am going through the course a 2 nd time. I was completely mesmerized and blown away the first time and stayed up late many nights watching the videos. This 2nd time is helping me reinforce many of the details and content and fine tuning some points for me. I don't have horses of my own, but have volunteered for 4 yrs at a rescue, in between traveling in Europe and the UK for a year at a time. I have used the trust technique not only on horses, but cows, sheep, goats, birds, dogs, cats and the best part was with myself to be peaceful when my monkey mind would begin to go sideways. It has helped me with my energy work with people as well. I am deeply grateful for James and Shelley for sharing their gifts with the world and esp. the animals. The world is in a better state because of your efforts. Mille grazie, hvala lepa, muchos gracias, arigato, danke shoen, dank je, obrigado, multimesc, THANK YOU!

Jude McDermott
Posted on:
December 21, 2017

Wow, but I absolutely loved this course, I couldn't wait to carry on to the next session as each one ended! As the course progressed I felt I was being taken on a journey, a journey of patient knowledge being given for learning to give and receive trust and understanding. Thank you

Diana Taylor
Posted on:
December 11, 2017

Loving every minute - learning from the tutorials and then watching the case studies. We have just adopted a rescue cat who is very scared of people and will not be touched. He is gaining confidence every day now that I am using Trust Technique with him. I cannot touch him yet, but I have a feeling that it won't be long before I can. Everything just feels so right.

Leanne Thorne
Posted on:
December 10, 2017

Clear and calm presentation. It makes me feel even more excited about joining James and Shelly in helping people and animals connect.

Jane Roberts
Posted on:
December 10, 2017

I am about half way through this course and it is absolutely amazing, what I have learnt in a short amount of time is fantastic, to be able to watch James in action on the videos is brilliant, this teaches me so much. I have had some lovely moments with our new cat, who is very nervous, she is very wary of human beings, I know it's going to take a long time to gain her total trust but without the trust technique I would have to question whether we would ever gain her trust. Thank you James and I am blessed to have been told about you!

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