Trust Technique Reviews From Foundation Video Course Members
Read over 600 written testimonials from pet careers like yourself who have discovered this life-changing course,
The best way to learn all the techniques for your personal use
60 hours of videos clearly sharing how to increase trust and confidence in both you and your animals’ lives
Please read the trust Technique Reviews from our video course members. Click next at the bottom of the page to read more …and more testimonials 🙂
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Loving every minute - learning from the tutorials and then watching the case studies. We have just adopted a rescue cat who is very scared of people and will not be touched. He is gaining confidence every day now that I am using Trust Technique with him. I cannot touch him yet, but I have a feeling that it won't be long before I can. Everything just feels so right.

Clear and calm presentation. It makes me feel even more excited about joining James and Shelly in helping people and animals connect.

I am about half way through this course and it is absolutely amazing, what I have learnt in a short amount of time is fantastic, to be able to watch James in action on the videos is brilliant, this teaches me so much. I have had some lovely moments with our new cat, who is very nervous, she is very wary of human beings, I know it's going to take a long time to gain her total trust but without the trust technique I would have to question whether we would ever gain her trust. Thank you James and I am blessed to have been told about you!

Been waiting for this all my life - a way of connecting and communicating with animals that is so easy-to-understand, so easy to see, to feel, the results.....

Only just started but very easy to follow and so much information. I am signed up for lifetime membership great value thank you

I've only watched your introduction and your free videos so far, and am about to embark on the full course. What you do just speaks to my heart, and feels absolutely right in every way. Thank you!

Hi James and Shelley.
I just started the course, but so far I am delighted to all the work that you have done to help those animals in need. I wanted to help you guys and here I am and I am very glad I did.
I just took some time to be in the moment with my horses and I wish I had it on camera, but it would not be the same. So I had a very WOW moment. (WOW moment is a moment that I have no words for). Yesterday I did the same with our 2 dogs and yes they fell asleep. Another WOW moment, so I am very grateful that the universe has shown me the way to this powerful tool. Thank you and keep the good work.

I truly cannot find words to express how right the trust technique feels to me and what a transformation it is bringing for me and my animals. I realize this sounds a little big but I think it’s accurate: to me the trust technique, James, Shelley, and this community represent a leap in consciousness and it brings me to tears to think about how beautiful this is. I’m pretty sure the ideas in this course can and will heal the world.

I absolutely love this, it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing this gift. I feel it could heal the world

Thank you so much James for the gift of the Trust Technique. It resonates with every cell of my being, telling me that I'm born to support this sharing of your beautiful present ( in time and space) gift to alle living beings....I love all course movies...tears are often rolling over my cheeks from happiness and compassion..wishing that more and more animals and human beings can experience this free state of mind creating the bridge between our animal brothers and sisters in an authentic way of how we may experience the world within and without, with this joyous peace of mind...what a grace! bless you all, team Trust Technique !

Fantastic, I'm looking forward learning and understanding the trust technique.

Without wishing in any way to sensationalise it, I think the 'Trust Technique' and the course format is incredible. The large-scale potential in its simplistic power offers tremendous hope for the accelerated understanding of animal sensitivity and communication, filling a void which currently the world screams for. "The time is now" resonates powerfully, and my overriding feeling is one of deep gratitude for its inception via James's innate and intuitive gift, and for the strength that has allowed him to present and offer it to the wider world. It is a humble honour, and a great source of comfort to have become aware of such a tangible form of hope for the progressive development of our relationship with the redeeming qualities and inextricable beauty of animals.

I am only part way into the course but already i see a change in my dog and myself. The trust technique is helping us both to be calmer and more stable. I'm very much looking forward to the next lessons

Just finished the video course and am so grateful for the healing that came along with the teaching. A lot like the dog Morgan in the last part, I have spent the better part of 64 years so shut down around people, even family due to a violent first 5 years. Animals were my comfort zone but most of my relationships with dogs and horses were very needy and still can be. However, with the TT I am now learning what it means to take responsibility, use regard and the present moment to deepen our relationship and give the animal courage and confidence in order to be able to handle what life dishes out! And blessing of all blessings, the TT has begun to work the same for me!! My relationships with humans has improved in so many ways. Most of all, my confidence has come up enough to be able to regard my own needs, personality and character which in the past I didn't allow. Moving forward, I can envision my life and relationships with both humans and animals blossoming into something beautiful and inviting to others in need of this help. My prayer for all of you, James, Shels and all of my companions on this way is that we may be able to share peace of mind with all we come in contact with. God bless you all! Susan Lumen

Hi James, I think this course is absolutely wonderfull! ??I just love it!? It's beautifully made and the videos are lovely! It's a pleasure to watch and easy to understand! Thank you, very much!?

I have just started the course and I think it's great. The course take me step by step inte this this fantastic technique. I can do the course in My own speed, I can go back and forth, it suits me perfect.

I am in the process of soaking in and learning The Trust Technique. Wow! I am simply amazed at how the videos were filmed/created to bring one to where "you are right there experiencing the "present moment"; I can actually "feel" myself healing along with the animals.
I am excited about the Trust Technique Video Course, as I have begun to recommend to my friends. This is just the beginning of a beautiful journey. Thank you James and Shelley! Much love and appreciation, Cristi

" I have this same dream !" James is so down to earth in his character, as a student, I do not feel overwhelmed with " getting " what he is explaining. This awareness state of being " present" seems so logical but as humans we make things so complicated ! James brings us ia world of " REALITY" with his " unthinking tips" The website is VERY EASY to navigate and professionally created with diverse tutorials, followed by examples. I too have been able to be " present" with horse and dogs to have them " relax, release tension" and YES LIE DOWN. This is the most magical contact we can have with our animal kingdom! JAMES !! THANK YOU !!! Lets share this with everyone on the planet and we can make this more symbosis living with each other !!

Really enjoying the video course, I am going through it for the second time, it has proved very useful and informative and i am using it alongside my other healing therapies. Thank you for setting all this up for us to access, not everyone can afford to come and do the hands on course but this video course is so very healing to watch and gives a great insight into the trust technique. Thank you both , blessed be.

A huge thank you to you both. The Trust Technique is magical and compliments The Journey work I do perfectly. The knowledge I have gained from TT has given me a stronger and more respectful connection with animals. I love the invisible lead! It was such a joyous and pleasurable course I was sad when I completed it. With love and gratitude.